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Posted 27 Apr 2024

8 min read


  • DNA analysis of ancient graves has revealed insights on the social life of Avars


  • About Avars
    • They are nomadic people who survived in eastern central Asia between 6th-9th century.
    • Considered as successors of the Huns by their way of life and warfare.
    • They followed strict  patrilineal descent (father's line)
    • They were hired by the Byzantine Empire to subdue other tribes
    • They avoided inbreeding and practised limited intermarriage with non-Avar neighbours.
    • They are renowned among archaeologists for their distinctive belt garnitures.
  • Tags :
  • Avars
  • Huns

World Coral Conservatory Project

  • Self-bred corals from the World Coral Conservatory project nested among Europe's largest coral reefs at the Burgers' Zoo in the Netherlands.


  • About World Coral Conservatory Project:
    • Launched in Monaco in 2019.
    • Aim: To protect a global collection of the majority of coral species and strains in the form of living colonies through a network of partner public and private aquariums.
    • Under this samples of coral taken from the natural environment will be cultivated and shared with aquariums.
  • Coral reefs are large underwater structures composed of the skeletons of colonial marine invertebrates called coral.


  • Tags :
  • Coral Reef
  • World Coral Conservatory Project

Authorised Economic Operator

  • The Centre has extended AEO status to the gem and jewellery sector.


  • About AEO program
    • It is under the aegis of the World Customs Organization (WCO) SAFE Framework.
    • Aims to enhance international supply chain security and facilitate movement of legitimate goods.
    • It is in sync with the commitments made under the World Trade Organisation trade facilitation agreement.
    • It enables Indian Customs to enhance and streamline cargo security through close cooperation with the principle stakeholders of the international supply chain.
  • Tags :
  • Authorised Economic Operator
  • World Customs Organization

Alagar Temple

  • The  procession of the Lord Kallazhagar back from the Vaigai river marked the end of the Chithirai festival 


  • About Alagar Temple
    • Located on the foothills of  Alagar hills in Madurai, Tamil nadu 
    • The temple is one of the 108 abodes of Lord Vishnu ,worshipped here in the name of Kallazhagar.
    • It has six corridors surrounded by fort walls.
    • The temple also finds mention in Tamil epic Silappadikaram and in the hymns of the Alvars.
    • The pillars of mandapam are depicted in the Nayaka art style.
  • Tags :
  • Alagar temple
  • Vaishnavism
  • 108 abodes of Vishnu


  • Various researches are being conducted on the H3 and H4 receptors (proteins) of histamine.


  • Histamine
    • It is one of the earliest identified mediators of allergy
    • It plays a key role in the inflammatory response of the body and is also responsible for autoimmune conditions, gastric acid secretion, and hematopoiesis
    • They can be released in our body due to different factors, including: 
      • Factors related to the immune system (example contact with allergens, snake venom, etc.), 
      • other factors that are not related to the immune system (example physical injury).
    • Most of the histamine is stored in the secretory granules of mast cells and basophils (types of white blood cells).


  • Antihistamines: These are drugs that act to treat histamine-mediated conditions by binding to histamine receptors and blocking the effect of histamines.
  • Tags :
  • Histamine
  • Antihistamine
  • basophils

Government Securities (G-Sec Bonds)

  • RBI kept the Foreign Portfolio Investment limit in G-sec unchanged at 6% of outstanding stocks of securities for 2024-25. 


  • About G-Secs:
    • They are tradable instruments issued by Governments through auctions conducted by RBI.
    • Types:
      • Short-term: Usually called treasury bills, have maturities of less than one year. 
      •  Long term: Usually called Government bonds or dated securities, have maturities of one year or more. 
    • Central Government can issue both (treasury bills and government bonds) while State Governments issue only government bonds (they are called the State Development Loans or SDLs). 
  • Tags :
  • G-Sec
  • Treasury bills
  • Dated securities
  • Government bonds

World Energy Council

  • The 26th World Energy Congress, co-hosted by the World Energy Council (WEC), concluded in Rotterdam (Netherlands).


  • About WEC
    • Genesis: Formed in 1923, the WEC is an UN-accredited not-for-profit global energy body.
    • Mission: Enabling access to clean, affordable and reliable energy for better lives and a healthier planet.
    • Role: Develop practical solutions and convene network of global energy transition leaders and practitioners.
    • Members: More than 3000 member organizations (public, private and academic sectors) located in around 90 countries. 
  • Tags :
  • WEC
  • World energy congress
  • World Energy Council

Bru community

  • For the first time, Bru voters exercised their franchise in Tripura Lok Sabha election.


  • Bru community
    • Also referred to as Reangs, Bru community have historically resided in Mizoram, Tripura, and parts of southern Assam. 
      • Reangs in Tripura are categorised as Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group (PVTG).
    • They are ethnically distinct from the Mizos of Mizoram.
      • Over 30000 Brus fled Mizoram following ethnic clashes with Mizo tribes in 1997 and were forced to live in the refugee camps in Tripura.
      • In 2020, a quadripartite agreement (among Centre, Governments of Tripura and Mizoram, and Bru-Reang representatives) was signed to facilitate permanent settlement of Bru refugees in Tripura. 
  • Tags :
  • Bru community
  • Reangs
  • Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group (PVTG)
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