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Posted 01 May 2024

8 min read


  • Election Commission of India conducted re-polling for the ongoing Lok Sabha General Elections in various polling stations of Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh.


  • Provisions related to Re-polling under the Representation of the People Act (RPA), 1951
    • Circumstances under which re-polling is needed
      • Section 57: On account of natural calamity, violence, etc.
      • Section 58(2): Due to damage or destruction of voting machines.
      • Section 58A: Countermanding of election on account of Booth capturing.
      • Section 52: On account of death of candidate of recognised political party (National party/State party).
  • Tags :
  • Re-polling
  • RPA, 1951

Thrombosis Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS)

  • AstraZeneca for the first time admitted that its COVID-19 vaccine (Covishield) had rare side effects including TTS.


  • About TTS
    • Also referred to as Vaccine-induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT).
    • It occurs when a person has blood clots (thrombosis) together with a low platelet count (thrombocytopenia).
    • It is a rare condition in which blood clots form in unusual places in the body. 
    • It can affect a person's brain, abdomen, lungs, arteries, etc. 
    • Symptoms include difficulty in breathing, chest pain, abdominal pain, swelling in leg, etc.
  • Tags :
  • Thrombosis Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS)
  • COVID-19 Vaccine

Blood Minerals

  • Apple faces allegations of using ‘blood minerals’ from war-torn Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
  • Blood minerals, also known as conflict minerals, are minerals that are mined in areas where violence, human rights violations, and conflict are intertwined with their extraction.
  • The extraction and trade of these minerals have been linked to funding armed groups and fueling conflicts in several countries in Central Africa. 
  • Tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold (3TG) are major examples of blood minerals. 
  • Tags :
  • Blood Minerals
  • conflict minerals

Magnetic Monopoles

  • Physicists in the UK have spotted signatures of magnetic monopoles in haematite (a naturally occurring antiferromagnetic iron oxide material).
  • Monopoles refer to hypopthetical elementary particles that act as isolated magnetic north and south poles and are the magnetic analogues of electric charges.
    • An ordinary bar magnet consists of both north and south pole. 
    •  It was first predicted in 1931 Paul Dirac


  • Tags :
  • Magnetic Monopole

Front Running

  • SEBI has amended mutual fund norms, requiring Asset Management Companies to establish mechanisms to prevent front running.


  • About Front Running:
    • Front Running in the stock market occurs when a broker or trader acts on advance information about client orders to execute their own trades first. 
    • This anticipatory trading, based on non-public knowledge of upcoming transactions, aims to profit from the resulting price movement.
    • It is an unethical activity disrupts market fairness and can be illegal.
    • It undermines confidence in the financial markets and creates an uneven playing field for other investors.
  • Tags :
  • SEBI
  • Front Running

‘Eggshell Skull’ Rule

  • Supreme Court has rejected the application of ‘eggshell skull’ rule in a case.


  • About Eggshell skull principle:
    • It is a common law principle applied in civil litigation.
    • Principle: The defendant would be held responsible for injuries caused to a person when he hit him on the head, even if the victim had a particularly delicate skull or an ‘eggshell’ for a skull.
    • The rule is applied for claiming an enhanced compensation
  • Tags :
  • Eggshell Skull Rule
  • Compensation


  • Google’s Deepmind has developed TacticAI that can provide experts with tactical insights in Football.


  • About TacticAI
    • The AI predicts the outcome of Corner kicks, using “Geometric deep learning approach” to create more generalisable models on the field.
    • It helps in Identifying key patterns of tactics implemented by teams, and developing effective responses with tactical insights.


  • About Geometric Deep Learning
    • A specialised area of machine learning.
    • Focuses on developing algorithms and models to process and analyse data with a geometric structure like graphs, point clouds, and meshes etc.
  • Tags :
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Tactic AI
  • Geometric deep learning

Paradox of Thrift theory

  • This Economic theory was popularised by British economist John Maynard Keynes.


  • About PoT
    • A rise in individuals’ savings, by reducing the amount of money spent on goods and services, can cause a fall in overall savings and investments.
    • It  believes that higher savings is bad for the wider economy and an economy can grow only by boosting consumer spending.


  • Criticisms of PoT
    • It ignores the potential for saved income to be lent out by banks.
    • It also ignores the potential of inflation and deflation in an economy.
  • Tags :
  • Paradox of Thrift
  • Keynesian economics
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