A decade of Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Act, 2014 | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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A decade of Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Act, 2014

Posted 01 May 2024

2 min read

  • The act aims to safeguard the rights of Street Vendors  and regulate their activities in urban areas.
    • There are more than 50 Lakhs Street Vendors in India, with the most from Uttar Pradesh (~8.5 Lakhs)


  • Key Provisions of the Act
    • Town Vending Committees (TVC) are to be established in each Local Authority.
    • Survey of the Street Vendors, at least once in every five years. 
      • Enables the issuance of Certificate of Vending  to the identified vendors.
    • A Ceiling limit of  2.5%  of  the population in a respective area is set for accommodating the vendors.


  • Challenges in functioning of the act
    • Administrative: Increase in harassment and evictions of Street Vendors despite the emphasis on regulating the Street vendors.
    • Governance: Exclusion of Street vendors as Stakeholders in City planning and they are not consulted in formulation of the street vending plan.
    • Societal: Social stigma around the street vendors as obstacles to urban development.


  • Way Forward
    • Sensitize police and local body officials to avoid excessive actions.
    • Ensuring adequate representation and integration of Street vending activities in Urban planning.
    • Revision of the ceiling on number of vendors in consonance with the population of the city.
  • Tags :
  • Street Vendors
  • Street vendors act
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