- Reasons for the Rise in Price
- Decrease in crop production in major tobacco-producing countries like Brazil, Zimbabwe and Indonesia due to extreme weather conditions.
- China imposed restrictions on tobacco exports to safeguard its local cigarette industry.
- Tobacco In India
- India is 2nd largest producer and exporter.
- Temperature: Between 20° to 27°C is required.
- Rainfall: When grown as a rainfed crop then requires at least about 500 mm of well-distributed rainfall during the crop growing season. (Usually not grown in the area if rainfall exceeds 1200 mm).
- Soil: sandy or sandy loam soil. Cigarette-tobacco growing areas of Andhra Pradesh are an exception in that the crop is grown on heavy black soil.
- Some of the varieties cultivated in India are
- flue-cured Virginia (FCV) tobacco in Andhra Pradesh & Karnataka;
- Bidi Tobacco in Gujarat & Karnataka & Andhra Pradesh.
- Cigar & Cheroot in Tamil Nadu & West Bengal
- Pikka Tobacco in Orissa
- Significance: Livelihood security to 36 million people, earn foreign exchange(4% of the country’s total agri-exports), Government revenue (10% of the total excise revenue collection from all sources.)etc.
Tobacco Control in India