Aggregate Measurement of Support
The US and Australia accused India of exceeding the WTO’s 10% subsidy limit for developing countries by providing excessive subsidies to sugarcane farmers.
- These subsidies or domestic support are called aggregate measurement of support (AMS) in trade parlance.
About AMS
- It calculates annual support provided for agricultural products.
- It includes all product-specific support and non-product-specific support in one single figure.
- It is used to identify trade distortion subsidies that may need reduction as per the Agreement on Agriculture.
- Tags :
- Aggregate Measurement of Support
Krishi Integrated Command and Control Centre (ICCC)
Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare (MoA&FW) inaugurated a Krishi ICCC at Krishi Bhavan in New Delhi.
About Krishi ICCC
- It is a tech-driven solution under MoA&FW for informed decision-making in agriculture using technologies like artificial intelligence, remote sensing, and Geographic Information Systems.
- It monitors farm sector by consolidating geospatial information from various sources like sowing data from Digital Crop Survey, Unified Portal for Agricultural Statistics for market intelligence etc.
- Application: Customised farmer advisories based on GIS soil mapping and weather data; Proactive drought management, Identification of crop diversification etc.
- Tags :
- Krishi ICCC
- Applications of Krishi ICCC
Shinku La tunnel
Border Road Organisation will soon commence the construction of the 4.1-km long Shinku La tunnel.
About Shinku La tunnel
- Once completed, this tunnel will become the world’s highest tunnel at 15,800 ft, surpassing Mila tunnel in China.
- It will provide all-weather connectivity from Manali to Leh.
- It is expected to streamline the transportation of heavy machinery to strategic locations such as Kargil, Siachen, etc.
- Tags :
- Border Road Organisation
- Shinku La tunnel
INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization)
- Interpol issues blue colour notice against an absconding MP who faces serious sexual harassment allegations.
- Blue Notice refers to collect additional information about a person’s identity, location or activities in relation to a criminal investigation.
- Established in 1956 at Lyon (France).
- General Assembly is supreme governing body; meets once a year; comprises representatives of every member country.
- 196 Member countries including India.
- Supports national efforts in combating crimes across four global areas – Terrorism; Cybercrime; Organized crime; and Financial crime and Anti-corruption.
- Tags :
- Blue Colour Notice
Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus)
- For the first time, Scientists studying the sperm whales have outlined that they communicate using bursts of clicking noises- called codas- sounding a bit like Morse code.
About Sperm Whale
- Characteristics: Largest of the toothed whales and only males tend to be observed closer to poles.
- Distribution: Found in deep open waters, or around islands and coastal areas with deep canyons or very narrow continental shelves.
- Found in India, Argentina; Bangladesh etc.
- Threats: Vessel Strikes, Entanglement in Fishing Gear, Underwater noise pollution etc.
- Conservation status
- IUCN: Vulnerable
- Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972: Schedule II
- Tags :
- Sperm Whale
- Largest Toothed Whale
Constructed wetlands
Constructed wetlands are engineered structures designed to replicate the functions of natural wetlands.
- They are composed of vegetation, soil and water, orchestrated to facilitate a seamless process of purification.
- These wetlands foster biodiversity, ranging from microorganisms to aquatic plants and even birds, to engage in the purification process.
- It replicates the functionalities of natural wetlands.
- Its construction and maintenance entail minimal energy consumption and lower operational expenses.
Natural wetlands
- They have often been referred to as "earth's kidneys" because of their capacity to filter pollutants.
- Tags :
- Constructed wetlands
- earth's kidneys
Rocky Planet
Researchers have detected atmospheric gases surrounding 55 Cancri e, a hot rocky exoplanet (planet beyond solar system).
About 55 Cancri e (also known as Janssen)
- Classified as a super-Earth: Larger than Earth, smaller than Neptune, and likely similar in composition to rocky planets in solar system.
Rocky Planets (Terrestrial Planets)
- Terrestrial, meaning earth-like as they are made up of rock and metals, and have relatively high densities.
- Planets include: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.
- They lie between sun and the belt of asteroids.
- Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are Jovian (gaseous) planets.
- Tags :
- Gaseous Planet
- Rocky Planet
Batagaika Crater
Newly captured aerial footage of Batagay Crater has revealed that it is growing every year as the frozen ground melts.
About Batagay (also spelled Batagaika) crater
- It is also known as “Gateway to Underworld” or “Doorway to Hell” and is the world's biggest permafrost crater.
- Located in Siberia, Russia, it is a massive, expanding depression in Earth's surface, formed due to permafrost thaw.
- Since 1960s, its growth accelerated due to deforestation and climate change.
- From 1991 to 2018, the crater area increased by almost three times.
- Tags :
- Russia
- Batagaika Crater