Investment Round has been launched at the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA).
- WHA is a decision-making body of World Health Organization (WHO). The theme of the Assembly is All for Health, Health for All.
- Health for all as a concept was evolved in the Alma-Ata Declaration (1978) of WHO to promote Primary Health Care.
The Investment Round aims to mobilize resources for WHO’s core work for the next 4 years (2025-2028) (refer image).
- Under it, $ 7 Bn will be mobilized to support the countries so that they can respond to health challenges.
Funding of WHO
- WHO receives funding from two main sources-
- Assessed contributions: Due that countries pay to be a member of the Organization.
- These are a percentage of a country’s GDP as agreed by the UN General Assembly and approved every two years.
- Voluntary contributions: Comes from Members or from other partners. Major source of total funding.
- It is further categorized into Core voluntary contributions, Specified voluntary contributions etc.
- Assessed contributions: Due that countries pay to be a member of the Organization.
Challenges in funding of WHO: Assessed contributions cover less than 20% of the total budget, Withdrawal of funding (E.g. Temporary suspension of funding by US) etc.