Gulf region became integral part of India’s Extended neighbourhood | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Gulf region became integral part of India’s Extended neighbourhood

Posted 21 Jun 2024

2 min read

It was highlighted in a report published by the Italian Institute for International Political Studies.

  • Extended Neighbourhood is defined in geographical terms. It includes countries in the Indian Ocean Region, East Africa, Gulf Region, Central Asian Region and in south-east Asia.

Strategic convergence in relation with Gulf Region

  • Economic: The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is India’s largest regional bloc trading partner. 
  • Energy security: India imported 55.3% of its total crude oil in 2022–23 from the Gulf region.
  • Regional geo-economic and connectivity focus: Engagement in various groups  like I2U2 (India, Israel, United Arab Emirates, United States), India–Middle East–Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC), etc.
  • Defence and security cooperation: Such as securing maritime lines of communication from pirates.
  • Welfare of Indian diaspora: More than 8 million Indians (or people of Indian origin) working in and around this region.


  • Hamas-Israel war and the Red Sea attacks on Indian ships by Yemen’s houthis.
  • Growing engagement of Gulf countries with China.

About Gulf Cooperation Council

  • Established: In 1981.
  • Members: 6 Gulf states (UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, and Kuwait)
  • Objectives: To have coordination, integration and interconnection between Member States in all fields.
  • Organisational Structure
    • The Supreme Council is composed of the head of the states, and is the highest authority.
    • Ministerial Council consisting of foreign ministers.
  • Tags :
  • Gulf Cooperation Council
  • Extended Neighbourhood
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