Aid to trade in Action | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 29 Jun 2024

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Aid to trade in Action

The World Trade Organization (WTO) released a report titled Aid for Trade in Action: Supporting the transition to clean energy, which highlights the Aid-for-Trade Initiative.

About Aid-for-Trade Initiative

  • Led by the WTO, grew out of the 2005 WTO Hong Kong Ministerial Conference.
  • Aim: To help developing economies integrate into world trade by mobilizing additional development support to address supply-side capacity and trade‑related infrastructure constraints in these economies.
  • Seeks to mobilize financial resources to address the trade‑related constraints identified by developing economies and least-developed countries.
  • Tags :
  • WTO
  • Aid to trade in Action

AI washing

Recently, Many companies are using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Washing.

About AI washing

  • AI washing is a term derived from greenwashing, where companies exaggerate their environmental friendliness.
  • Tech companies and startups marketing themselves as using AI, but not doing so is known as  ‘AI washing’.
  • It can misguided investments in superficial enhancements, slowing real progress in AI technologies
  • Tags :
  • Greenwashing
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • AI washing

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

The Dutch Prime Minister will take over as new secretary general of NATO.

About NATO

  • Founded: 1949 
  • Headquarters: Brussels, Belgium
  • Treaty: North Atlantic Treaty(Washington Treaty)
    • Collective defence is at the heart of the Treaty.
  • It derives its authority from Article 51 of the United Nations Charter.
    • It reaffirms the inherent right of independent states to individual or collective defense.
  • Members: 32 (Sweden joined in 2024)


  • Tags :
  • NATO
  • Collective Defence

National Quality Assurance Standards (NQAS) Assessment

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has launched virtual NQAS Assessment and Spot food license initiative to promoteHealthcare for All”.

About Initiatives

  • NQAS Assessment: It has been launched for Ayushman Arogya Mandirs (AAM) and Integrated Public Health Laboratories (IPHL).
    • It is launched in compliance with Indian Public Health Standards (IPHS).  
      • IPHS is digital platform for real-time monitoring of public health facilities that provides a comprehensive overview of the assessment and compliance status of public health facilities
  • Spot Food License Initiative: It is for the instant issuance of licenses and registrations through pan-India IT platform the Food Safety and Compliance System (FoSCoS).
    • It aims to simplify the licensing and registration processes.
  • Tags :
  • NQAS Assessment
  • Spot Food License Initiative

Senna Spectabilis

Kerala Forest dept. joins hands with Kerala Paper Products Limited (KPPL) to eradicate invasive plant Senna Spectabilis (calceolaria shower).

  • Senna Spectabilis is threat to wildlife habitat in the Nilgiri biosphere, including the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary (WWS) and other sanctuaries. 

About Senna Spectabilis

  • Native Species (Fabaceae family) of Tropical America.
  • Grown as ornamental plant.
  • Key Characteristics :
    • Grows in deep, moist, sandy or loamy soils but flourishes even in poor soils.
    • Tree Type: Evergreen in climates with rain all year round, but can become deciduous in areas with dry seasons
    • Used in traditional medicine
  • Tags :
  • Invasive Species
  • Senna Spectabilis

South China Sea

India Shows concern on unilateral actions to change status quo in South China Sea.

About South China Sea

  • A semi-enclosed sea in the western Pacific Ocean.
  • The South China Sea and the East China Sea together form the China Sea.
  • China claims by far the largest portion of territory in an area demarcated by its so-called "nine-dash line".

Disputed Islands

  • Paracel Islands: China has occupied all the Paracel Islands but also claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan.
  • Spratly Islands: Consists of more than 100 small islands or reefs.
    • Claimed by China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, and Malaysia.
  • Scarborough Shoal: Claimed by China, Taiwan, and Philippines.
  • Tags :
  • South China Sea
  • Western Pacific Ocean

Artificial Intelligence Preparedness Index (AIPI) Dashboard

International Monetary Fund (IMF) released the AIPI Dashboard.

  • Singapore has been placed at 1st position and India at 72nd position. 

About AIPI Dashboard

  • Tracks 174 economies for AI readiness.
  • Assessment of readiness of countries is bases on four key areas : Digital infrastructure, Human capital and Labour market policies, Innovation and economic integration and Regulation and Ethics
  • Categorization of Countries: Advanced Economy (AE), Emerging Market Economy (EM), and Low-Income Country (LIC). 
  • Tags :
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  • AIPI Dashboard
  • AI Preparedness Index

RIMPAC Exercise

The opening ceremony for the 29th edition of the biennial Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise was held in Hawaii (USA).

About RIMPAC Exercise 

  • World's largest international multilateral maritime exercise (India also takes part in it) 
  • Aim: To build relationships, enhance interoperability, contribute to the peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region.
  • Tags :
  • RIMPAC Exercise
  • Rim of the Pacific
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