EnviStats (Environment Statistics) have been compiled in accordance with the SEEA (System of Environmental- Economic Accounting) Framework.
- EnviStats provide information about environment, its most important changes over time and across locations and main factors that influence them.
- Publication includes Four areas- Energy Accounts, Ocean Accounts, Soil Nutrient Index and Biodiversity.
Key Highlights of EnviStats India 2024
- India emerged as world leader in energy transition.
- Around 72% increase in number and around 16% increase in area for Total Protected Area during 2000 to 2023.
- Coverage of Mangroves has increased around 8% during 2013 to 2021.
Significance of EnviStats
![An infographic describing features of SEEA-CF and SEEA-EA](https://d2av8kbir6lh9m.cloudfront.net/uploads/PPx5S9QudEJyKHKOgtV4jtXfz0U9gpzrI7NEAfjw.jpg)
- Sustainable management of natural resources, key to long-term development.
- Balance economic growth with environmental sustainability.
- Provide alternate means of measuring prosperity and progress and go beyond GDP.
- Data-driven policymaking.
About System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA)
- It is an agreed international framework for the compilation of the Environment Economic accounts.
- It describes the interaction between the economy and the environment, as well as the stocks and changes in stocks of environmental assets.
- There are two sides of SEEA- SEEA-Central Framework (SEEA-CF) and SEEA-Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA-EA) (refer infographic).
Environment Accounts in India