CareEdge released its Inaugural Report on Sovereign Ratings, Covering 39 Global Economies | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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CareEdge released its Inaugural Report on Sovereign Ratings, Covering 39 Global Economies

Posted 07 Oct 2024

2 min read

CareEdge became the first Indian credit rating agency to enter the global scale ratings space, including sovereign ratings.

Key Highlight 

  • Assigned an AAA rating to Germany, Netherlands, Singapore, and Sweden. 
  • India was assigned BBB+, citing its resilient post-pandemic recovery and its focus on infrastructure investment. 
  • India's general government debt-to-GDP ratio is projected to reduce from 80% (currently) to 78 % by FY30. 

About Sovereign Credit Rating (SCR)

  • Credit ratings are forward-looking opinions on the relative ability of an entity to meet its financial commitments, i.e., credit risk or relative creditworthiness of a borrower.
    • ​​​​SEBI regulates domestic credit rating agencies (CRISIL, ICRA, CARE etc.).
  • SCR represent an assessment of a country's or sovereign entity's ability to meet debt obligations, including both capability and willingness to repay debt.
  • SCR facilitates borrowing from global capital markets at low cost, boosts investors’ confidence, attracts foreign investment, etc. 
  • Currently, SCRs are dominated by 3 US-based rating agencies – S&P, Moody’s, and Fitch.

Issues prevailing in SCR rating by US-based rating agencies

Several nations, including India, have questioned grading by global credit rating agencies, citing reasons like: 

  • Lack of transparency on methodologies followed by rating agencies. 
  • Inadequately capturing the economy’s fundamentals.
  • Biased against emerging economies.
    • Despite India being 5th largest economy in the world and having no default history, global CRAs have assigned it a low rating
  • Tags :
  • Credit Rating Agencies
  • Sovereign Credit Ratings
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