It makes an assessment of 50 economies (excluding India) and aims to cover 180 economies by 2026.
- It is a successor to Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) rankings of WB.
- EoDB (flagship report of WB) ranked countries based on ease of opening and operating a company.
- It was of discontinued in 2021 owing to ethical irregularities.
About Business-Ready (B-Ready) Index
- It provides a quantitative assessment of business environment (by focusing on three pillars) for private sector development, published annually and covering most economies worldwide.
- It contributes to meeting the World Bank Group’s twin goals of eliminating poverty and boosting shared prosperity.
![The image outlines the three pillars of the B-Ready Index: Regulatory Framework, focusing on rules for business operations; Public Services, supporting compliance and infrastructure; and Operational Efficiency, ensuring ease of compliance and service use.](
Features of B-Ready vis-a-vis EoDB
- Comprehensive: Evaluates business environment from perspective of an individual firm and from point of private sector development as a whole.
- EoDB evaluates same for individual small/medium firms.
- Qualitative: Examines regulatory burden on firms and quality of regulation.
- EoBD examined only burden of regulation on firms.
- Balanced: Collects both de jure (statutory laws) and de facto (practical) information on firms.
- In EoDB, certain indicators covered only de-facto regulations while certain covered only de jure.
- Diverse: Covers all major topics unlike EoDB that excluded some important topics like employing labor.