Very Short Range Air Defence System | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 07 Oct 2024

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Very Short Range Air Defence System

DRDO successfully conducted flight-tests of the 4th Generation, technically-advanced miniaturised Very Short Range Air Defence System (VSHORADS) at Pokhran Range, Rajasthan.

  • The trials showcased repeatability of hit-to-kill capability of the weapon system.


  • It is an indigenously developed Man Portable Air Defence System (MANPAD).
  • Designed and developed by Research Centre Imarat (RCI) in collaboration with DRDO laboratories and Development cum Production Partners (DcPPs).
  • It is meant to neutralize low altitude aerial threats at short ranges.
  • It employs a dual thrust solid motor and a state-of-the-art uncooled imaging infrared seeker. 
  • Tags :
  • DRDO
  • VSHORADS Missile
  • Man Portable Air Defence System

Dry Ports

Telangana is planning to develop more dry port facilities to boost exports. 

About Dry Ports

  • Also known as inland port, it is an inland terminal that is meant to provide connectivity to a sea port by rail or road
  • It includes Inland Container Depots (ICDs), Container Freight Stations (CFSs), and Air Freight Stations (AFSs), etc.
  • Benefits: Provide a more efficient and cost-effective gateway to international trade for landlocked states/ regions, reduces pressure on coastal ports, easing congestion and improving efficiency, etc.
  • Tags :
  • Dry Ports
  • Inland Ports
  • Inland Container Depots
  • Container Freight Stations
  • Air Freight Stations

Biodiversity Credits

A coalition of civil society organizations has raised concerns over promotion of biodiversity credits.

Biodiversity Credits

  • Definition: An economic instrument that allows private companies to finance activities, such as forest conservation or restoration. 
  • Purpose: To have a net-positive impact on nature and biodiversity. 
    • Unlike biodiversity offset, biodiversity credits are not limited to compensating for companies’ negative and unavoidable impacts on nature.
  • Functioning: 
    • Stakeholders that have a goal to conserve or restore land generate a supply of credits, or certificates.
    • Private companies can then purchase these credits to meet their biodiversity- or nature-based commitments. 
  • Tags :
  • Biodiversity Credits
  • Biodiversity Offsets
  • Environmental Conservation

Black Carbon

According to a recent study, black carbon emissions from kerosene lamps make up 10% of total residential emissions in India.

About Black Carbon (BC)

  • BC, commonly known as soot, is a component of fine particulate air pollution (PM2.5). 
  • Formed by incomplete combustion of wood and fossil fuels.
  • It has a warming impact up to 1500 times stronger than CO2 per unit of mass.
  • It is a Short-Lived Climate Pollutant (SLCPs) with an average atmospheric lifetime 4-12 days.
  • Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC, founded in 2012) convened within UNEP, is a voluntary partnership to reduce powerful but SLCPs including Methane, BC, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), and tropospheric ozone.
  • Tags :
  • Methane
  • Black Carbon
  • Short-Lived Climate Pollutant

Danainae Sub-family of Butterflies

According to a recent study, large-scale migration of butterflies of the Danainae sub-family was observed in Tamil Nadu (between Anamalai Tiger Reserve and Nilgiris) due to good rainfall.

About Danainae sub-family of Butterflies (Milkweed Butterflies & Glasswings)

  • It includes butterflies such as Blue Tiger, Dark Blue Tiger, Double-branded Crow, and Common Crow and thus called ‘tigers and crows’.
  • They have a unique migration pattern:
    • Before start of northeast monsoon:  From Eastern Ghats and plains towards various nearest hill ranges of Western Ghats.
    • Before onset of southwest monsoon: From Western Ghats hill ranges towards Eastern Ghats and plainsof Tamil Nadu.
  • Tags :
  • Danainae Sub-family of Butterflies
  • Milkweed Butterflies

Extinction of Birds

According to research by University of Birmingham about 610 bird species (mostly on islands) have been extinct over past 130,000 years (coinciding with global spread of Homo sapiens)

Key extinct Birds 

  • Dodo (Mauritius): Finely adapted to its isolated ecosystem it was first encountered by Dutch sailors in 16th century. 
  • Aepyornis maximus (Madagascar): Also known as elephant birds. It was a flightless and possibly largest bird that ever existed (about 3 meters tall). 
  • Other birds: Kauai (Hawaiian songbird), Moa birds (New Zealand) North America’s migratory passenger pigeon.
  • Tags :
  • Extinction of Bird Species
  • Dodo
  • Aepyornis maximus
  • Kauai

Motor Neuron Disease

Researchers have developed DNA molecules with invisibility cloak" sequences that can selectively target diseased cells in motor neuron diseases. 

About Motor Neuron Diseases 

  • A group of neurodegenerative diseases in which motor nerves in the spine and brain lose function over time.
    • Motor nerves control skeletal muscle activity such as walking, breathing, speaking, and swallowing.
  • Types: 
    • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Causes rapid loss of muscle control and eventual paralysis (Stephen Hawking suffered from it).
    • Progressive bulbar palsy:  Affects muscles involved in speech, swallowing, etc.
    • Spinal muscular atrophy: Affects the trunk, legs, and arms.
  • Tags :
  • Motor Neuron Disease
  • Neurogenerative Diseases

Unified Genomic Chip

Prime Minister launched the ‘Unified Genomic Chip’ and indigenous sex-sorted technology. 

  • Indigenous sex-sorted technology will increase the availability of sex-sorted semen for farmers at a reduced cost for producing only female calves.

About Chip

  • Aim: Helping farmers identify high-quality cattle early and enhance dairy farming efficiency in India.
  • Developed by: Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying 
  • Two versions: ‘Gau Chip’ for cattle and the ‘Mahish Chip’ for buffalo. 
  • Tags :
  • Unified Genomic Chip
  • Gau Chip
  • Mahish Chip
  • Indigenous sex-sorted technology
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