Supreme Court (SC) flags Discriminatory Attitude towards Elected Women Representatives (EWRs) in Rural Areas | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Supreme Court (SC) flags Discriminatory Attitude towards Elected Women Representatives (EWRs) in Rural Areas

Posted 09 Oct 2024

2 min read

In a recent case, SC while offering relief to Woman Sarpanch removed by District Administration in a Maharashtra village highlighted resistance faced by EWRs in Panchayats.

EWRs in Rural Government

  • Status in India: ~1.4 million women constituting 46% of total elected representatives of PRIs. 
    • 73rd Constitutional Amendment, 1992 mandated reservation of at least one-third seats for women. 
      • Some states like Bihar, Chhattisgarh, have increased reservation proportion to 50%. 
  • Significance of EWRs: Improved service delivery; lesser corruption; inclusive governance; gender equality, etc. 

Issues faced by EWRs in Rural Areas

  • Rubber Stamps Candidates: Actual decision-making powers lies with husbands/male family members.
  • Gender Biases and Social Barriers: Domestic Responsibilities along with prejudiced attitude towards EWRs limits possibility for bringing social change. 
  • States’ Policies as Barrier: Some states like Rajasthan have two-child norm or minimum educational qualification as criteria for contesting elections. 
  • Rotation of Seats: EWRs often have to discontinue after serving a single term due to rotation.
  • Other Issues: Digital divide, Lack of Knowledge, apprehensions about ability, cultural Constraints etc.

Way forward on facilitating EWRs

  • Institutional Reforms: recruiting more women in other Panchayat roles like Panchayat Secretary, institutionalized monitoring to restrict interference by their male counterparts in their work.
  • Strengthening Women Collective Agency: Nurturing federations of EWRs, mobilizing forums like Self Help Groups, etc. 
  • Others: Investing in capacity building through education; coherent and updated data for comprehensive assessment, etc. 
  • Tags :
  • Women Elected Representative
  • Gender Bias
  • Social Barriers
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