WHO and UNICEF Released ‘Mental health of children and young people - Service guidance’ Report | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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WHO and UNICEF Released ‘Mental health of children and young people - Service guidance’ Report

Posted 14 Oct 2024

2 min read

The report was released on the occasion of ‘World Mental Health Day’, celebrated annually on 10 October since 1992, at the initiative of World Federation for Mental Health.

  • Mental health refers to a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with life's stresses, realise their abilities, learn and work well, and contribute to their community. 

Key findings

  • One-third of mental health conditions emerge before the age of 14 and half before the age of 18.
  • An estimated 15% of adolescents aged 10-19 years experienced mental health conditions with anxiety, depression and behavioural disorders among the most common,
  • Suicide was the fourth leading cause of death among those aged 15–19 years
  • Limited access, high costs, and stigma prevent many youth with mental health concerns from receiving necessary care.
    • while public funding and human resources for services is low worldwide in general, those aimed at children and adolescents are particularly unavailable, 

The report called for phasing out institutional care in favour of community-based services that allow children to grow in their families and communities, ensuring continuity in their education, social relationships and overall development.

India’s efforts recognised by the report

  • Mental Health Care Act 2017 decriminalized suicidal behaviours
  • Schizophrenia Research Foundation (SCARF) in Chennai (Tamil Nadu) provide free care based on international standards for early psychosis services. 
  • Centre for Mental Health Law and Policy (in Maharashtra) has engaged young adults to co-produce Outlive.
    • It is a prevention programme targeting urban suicides among at-risk young people aged 18–24 years who are marginalized by caste, class, gender and sexuality
  • Tags :
  • Mental health
  • Mental Health Care Act 2017
  • Mental Health of Adolscent
  • World Mental Health Day
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