Prime Minister participates in International Abhidhamma Divas (IAD) | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Prime Minister participates in International Abhidhamma Divas (IAD)

Posted 18 Oct 2024

2 min read

Ministry of Culture in association with International Buddhist Confederation (IBC) observed IAD.

  •  It also celebrated recent declaration of Pali as a classical language by Cabinet.

About IAD:

  • It commemorates the day when Lord Buddha descended from the celestial realm (Tāvatimsa-devaloka) to Sankassiya (now Sankisa Basantapur) in Uttar Pradesh. 
    • Asokan Elephant Pillar at Sankassiya marks this significant event.
  • It coincides with end of first Rainy Retreat (Vassa) i.e. period of three months when bhikkhus must reside in one place and Pavāraņā festival (ceremony for conclusion of rainy retreat).

About Abhidhamma:

  • Abhidhamma is a collection of suttas (teachings) representing earliest compilation of Buddhist philosophy and psychology detailing Buddhist doctrines.
    • Abhidhamma combines 'abhi' (higher/further) and 'dhamma' (teachings), translating to Higher Dhamma or Further Truths.
  • It forms third part of Tripitaka (Pali Canon) fundamental to Theravada Buddhist tradition.
  • Made up of seven books, it explores human experience, including nature of consciousness, universal mental factors, cultivation of mindfulness, etc.
    • Abhidhamma developed a specialized vocabulary in Pali, forming the basis of Buddhist philosophy and psychology.
    • Key terms include "citta" (consciousness), “cetasika” (mental factors), “rūpa” (materiality), and “nibbāna” (final liberation).

About Pali language:

  • Recognized as Classical Language alongside Marathi, Prakrit, Assamese, and Bengali.
  • Ancient language in which Buddhist  and jainism literature is written, including the Tipitaka.
    • Tripitaka includes Vinaya Pitaka (rules for monastics), Sutta Pitaka (discourses of the Buddha and his principal disciples) &  Abhidhamma Pitaka.
  • Other important works in Pali: Jataka Kathas, Aṭṭhasālinī & Sammohavinodanī (Explain intricate teachings of Abhidhamma philosophy), Dhammapada, Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta etc.
  • Tags :
  • Abhidhamma
  • International Buddhist Confederation (IBC)
  • Pali
  • classical language
  • Vinaya Pitaka
  • Sutta Pitaka
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