Preponderance of Probabilities | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 19 Oct 2024

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Preponderance of Probabilities

Recently, Supreme Court has observed that courts must apply principle of preponderance of probability, in place of a test of proof beyond reasonable doubt, in motor accident claim cases.

Preponderance of Probabilities

  • It is a legal standard used in civil cases in various countries. 
  • In broad terms, it means the degree of certainty of belief in the mind of a tribunal or the Court by which it is convinced that the "existence of a fact is more-probable than its non-existence". 
  • While proof on “preponderance of probabilities” followed in civil cases provides a lower standard of proof, “proof beyond reasonable doubt” followed in criminal cases provides a higher standard of proof bordering on certainty.
  • Tags :
  • Preponderance Of Probabilities
  • Proof Beyond Reasonable Doubt

Lady Justice

Recently, a redesigned statue of Lady Justice was unveiled by the Supreme Court of India. 

  • Traditional statue, first constructed in 1872 in Calcutta High Court, had its origin in Greek and Roman iconography. 

About New Lady Justice Statue

  • Unimpeded Vision: Unlike traditional blindfolded statue that signified impartiality of vision, the new one represents that Law is not blind and sees everyone equally.
  • Constitution instead of Sword: Sword - represents the punitive power of law, replaced by Constitution- signifies that justice in India is grounded in constitutional principles rather than violence or coercion.
  • Indian Attire: Statue depicts wearing a saree, moving away from Western attire.  
  • Retains scales of justice in the right hand: Symbolizing the balance and fairness in Justice. 
  • Tags :
  • Lady Justice
  • Constitution

Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)

149th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly concluded recently.

About Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)

  • About: Global organization of national parliaments (Began in 1889).
  • Objective: Facilitates parliamentary diplomacy and empower parliaments and parliamentarians to promote peace, democracy and sustainable development around the world. 
  • Members: 180 Members (Including India) and 15 Associate Members.
  • HQ: Geneva, Switzerland
  • Tags :
  • Inter-Parliamentary Union

Blue Washing

A report titled ‘On Track or Off Course? Assessing Progress Toward the 30x30 Target in the Ocean’ showed that the world will not achieve pledges of 30x30 due to blue washing. 

  • 30x30 target is a global initiative to protect 30% of the world's land and ocean by 2030.

About Blue washing

  • It is a situation where marine areas are labelled as protected but do not truly safeguard marine life.
  • Report states that 8.3% of ocean is designated as Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), however, only 2.8 % of oceans are effectively protected. 

Note: Another bluewashing term is used in corporate governance, which is like greenwashing but focused more on social and economic responsibility rather than the environment.

  • Tags :
  • Blue Washing


Farmers in Idukki, Kerala are experiencing the menace of locust infestation. 

  • Previously reported in 2020 in Western India majorly in Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Madhya Pradesh.

About Locusts

  • About: 
    • Short-horned insects similar to grasshoppers with highly migratory habits. 
    • Capable of forming swarms varying less than 1 square kilometer to several hundred square kilometers. 
    • Exhibit voracious feeding behavior causing great devastation to natural and cultivated vegetation leading to food and fodder emergency. 
  • Species: Four species including Desert, Migratory, Bombay, and Tree locust are found in India. 
  • Preventive Steps: 
    • Locust Warning Organizations under Directorate of Plant Protection Quarantine and Storage, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, 
    • Use of Pesticide like Malathion
  • Tags :
  • Locusts Attack
  • Locust Warning Organizations
  • Malathion

Moonlight Programme

Recently, European Space Agency has launched the Moonlight Lunar Communications and Navigation Services (LCNS) programme.

About Moonlight Programme

  • Objective: To provide services for >400 moon missions planned by space agencies and private companies over the next two decades.
  • It will be a constellation of five lunar satellites.
  • Benefits: Enable precise, autonomous landings and surface mobility, facilitate high-speed communication and data transfer between Earth and Moon, offer coverage at the Moon’s South Pole, etc.
  • Initial services are expected to begin by the end of 2028, and the system is to be fully operational by 2030.
  • Tags :
  • Moonlight Programme
  • Moon’s South Pole

Yars Missile

Russia recently tested readiness of Yars nuclear missile unit. 

About Yars Missile

  • It is a modified version of the Topol-M missile system and can be deployed in silos or mounted on mobile launchers.
  • It is an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) with range upto 11,000 km.
    • Ballistic missiles are rocket propelled self-guided weapons which follow a ballistic trajectory to deliver a payload from its launch site to a predetermined target.
  • It is equipped with MIRV (Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicle) technology which enables it to deliver multiple nuclear warheads, each capable of targeting different objectives.
  • Tags :
  • Yars Nuclear Missile
  • Yars Missile

Ground- based Broadcasting

Recently, TRAI issued a consultation paper on ‘Regulatory Framework for Ground-based Broadcasting’.

About Ground-based Broadcasting (GBB)

  • Also known as terrestrial broadcasting, it utilizes a variety of advanced technologies such as cloudbased platforms, broadband networks, fibre technology, etc., to transmit and distribute their content efficiently to Distribution Platform Operators.
    • Conventional broadcasting requires uplinking and downlinking of television channels through satellite.
  • Existing guidelines from the Union Ministry of Information and Broadcasting makes it mandatory for broadcasters to use satellite medium for uplinking and downlinking of channels.
  • Tags :
  • Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
  • Ground Based Broadcasting
  • Terrestrial Broadcasting
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