The order imposes financial and visa restrictions on individuals and their families who assist in ICC investigations of American citizens or allies such as Israel.
International Criminal Court (Headquarter: Hague, Netherlands)
- It is the world’s first permanent international criminal court.
- Founding Treaty: Rome Statute (adopted in 1998 entered into force in 2002).
- Type of Crimes dealt: Genocide, War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity & Crime of Aggression.
- Membership: 125 countries
- India, Israel, the US, Russia and China are not parties to the Rome Statute.
- Recent Members: Malaysia(2019) Ukraine (2025).
- Management: The Assembly of States Parties is the Court's management oversight and legislative body.
- It is composed of representatives of the States which have ratified or acceded to Rome Statute.
- Official languages: English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish.
Structural Issues in functioning of ICC
- High dependence on state cooperation as it lacks executive power for arrests and evidence collection.
- Political Pressure: It often gets caught between power politics and human rights and is often used by some States for targeting opponents.
How International Court of Justice is different from ICC