Motion of Thanks | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 06 Feb 2024

Updated 22 Mar 2024

9 min read

Motion of Thanks

  • Prime Minister replied to the ‘Motion of Thanks’ on the President's address. 
    • Article 87 of the Constitution requires President’s Address after each general election.
    • Also, after the first session of every fiscal year addresses both Houses of Parliament. 


  • Motion of Thanks
    • It is moved in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha after the President’s address by Member of Parliament of the ruling party. 
    • The Motion of Thanks must be passed in the House. Its defeat amounts to the defeat of the government. 
    • It can be adopted with amendments.
  • Tags :
  • Parliamentary System in India
  • Motion of Thanks
  • President Address

Article 142 of Constitution

  • Supreme Court invoked Article 142 to remit the 20-year sentence of a person convicted under Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO), 2012. 
    •  Judgement was delivered in response to curative petition.
      • A curative petition is the last recourse open to a petitioner after the review petition is dismissed.


  • About Article 142 
    • Article exclusively enables the Supreme Court to issue or pass any order that it feels is necessary to provide ‘complete justice’ in a case before it. 
    • Any decree so passed or order so made shall be enforceable throughout the territory of India.
  • Tags :
  • Supreme Court
  • Indian Constitution
  • Justice

Non-Basmati Aromatic Rice Grading and Marking Rules, 2024

  • Rules by Centre are expected to be applicable for grading and marketing of five premium non-Basmati rice varieties of West Bengal. 
    • These are Gobindabhog, Tulaipanji, Kalonunia (all 3 have GI Tag), Kataribhog, and Radhunipagal. 
  • Under this, the authorised packers have to either set up their own laboratory or use an approved laboratory for testing the quality of rice. 
  • For domestic trade, packers have to follow FSSAI standards and for export, they need to comply with the residual limits fixed by the Codex Alimentarius Commission or importing countries.
  • Tags :
  • Agriculture
  • GI Tag
  • non-Basmati rice
  • Codex Alimentarius Commission

FAME II Scheme

  • Ministry of Heavy Industries (MHI) said that just 38% of the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles II (FAME II) subsidy has been used in FY24.


  • About FAME II
    • Expanded version of the 'FAME I (2015).
    • FAME II was launched in 2019 for a period of 3 years. 
    • Aims to encourage Faster adoption of Electric and hybrid vehicle. 
    • Only advanced battery and registered vehicles will be incentivized under the scheme. 
    • Privately owned registered e-2Ws are covered.
    • Also, supports creation of charging Infrastructure for electric vehicles.
  • Tags :
  • Ministry of Heavy Industries
  • E-Vehicles
  • Green Transport

Electricity 2024 Report

  • The report was released by the International Energy Agency. 


  • Key highlights
    • Electricity consumption from data centres, artificial intelligence (AI) and the cryptocurrency sector could double by 2026.
    • Clean electricity supply is forecast to meet all of the world’s demand growth through 2026. 
    • Renewables are set to provide more than one-third of total electricity generation globally by early 2025, overtaking coal. 
    • India’s electricity consumption surpassed that of Japan and Korea combined at the end of 2023.
    • Also, India posts the fastest growth rate out to 2026 among major economies.
  • Tags :
  • International Energy Agency
  • Renewable Energy
  • Clean electricity

Vaccine Safety Net (VSN)

  • The Healthy Indian Project (THIP) has joined the WHO-led project VSN. 
    • THIP (a private company) is a dedicated health information and fact-checking platform with a particular focus on verified vaccine safety information. 
  • VSN initiated by the WHO in 2003 aims to help internet users find reliable information on vaccine safety. 
    • Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS), established in 1999, supports the VSN by providing advice and criteria for website quality and content. 
  • Tags :
  • Healthy Indian Project
  • WHO
  • Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety
  • Vaccine Safety Net (VSN)

GRAPES-3 (Gamma Ray Astronomy PeV EnergieS phase-3)

  • GRAPES-3 discovered a new feature in the cosmic-ray proton spectrum at about 166 tera-electron-volt (TeV) energy. 
  • GRAPES-3 in Ooty (Tamil Nadu) is a collaboration of Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (Mumbai) and other Indian Institution with Japan. 
  • It is designed to study cosmic rays with an array of air shower detectors and a large area muon detector. 
    • Cosmic rays considered to be the most energetic particles in the universe.
  • They enter into Earth's atmosphere from outer space and induce a shower of particles that constitute electrons, photons, muons, protons, neutrons etc.
  • Tags :
  • cosmic rays
  • GRAPES-3
  • Outer Space
  • Universe

ABHYAS - High-speed Expendable Aerial Target (HEAT)

  • Flight trials of ABHYAS-HEAT were successfully carried out by the Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO).


  • About ABHYAS
    • Designed for autonomous flying with the help of an auto-pilot.
    • Indigenously developed by the DRDO’s Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE). 
    • It has Radar Cross Section, Visual and Infrared augmentation system required for weapon practice. 
      • It has also a laptop-based Ground Control System
    • ABHYAS requires minimum logistics and is cost-effective compared to imported equivalents.
  • Tags :
  • Defence
  • DRDO
  • Security

Personality in News

Rajkumari Amrit kaur  (1889- 1964)

  • She was remembered on her Death Anniversary.
  • She played key role in both pre and post-Independence period. 


  • Key Contributions: 
    • Participated in the 'Salt March' and 'Quit India Movement'
    • Fought battle against the various evil practices such as - Slavery, Purdah system, Child marriage and Devdasi.
    • She played an important role as a member of the Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly.
    • First Health Minister of Independent India. 
      • She also laid the foundation of AIIMS, Delhi.
    • Major literary work: Woman in India, Challenge to Women, To women  etc. 
    • Values: Passionate, Courageous, Perseverance, and Determination.


  • Tags :
  • Rajkumari Amrit kaur
  • Modern India
  • Indian independence movement
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