ISRO successfully launched the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) funded INSAT-3DS weather forecasting satellite | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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ISRO successfully launched the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) funded INSAT-3DS weather forecasting satellite

Posted 19 Feb 2024

Updated 22 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • GSLV-F14 placed INSAT-3DS into the intended geosynchronous transfer orbit and then to a Geo-stationary Orbit (refer to the box)
    • It was launched from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota (Andhra Pradesh). 
  • INSAT-3DS Satellite 
    • It is a follow-on mission of Third Generation Meteorological Satellite.
    • It will aid presently operational INSAT-3D and INSAT-3DR which are dedicated meteorological geostationary satellites. 
    • Objectives 
      • Monitor Earth’s surface, carry out Oceanic observations and its environment. 
      • Provide vertical profile of various meteorological parameters of Atmosphere.
      • Provide Data Collection and Data Dissemination capabilities. 
      •  Provide Satellite Aided Search and Rescue services (SA&SR).
    • Onboard payloads: Imager Payload, Sounder Payload, Data Relay Transponder, and SA&SR transponder. 
    • Indian Industries have significantly contributed to its making. 
  • GSLV-F14: GSLV-F14 is 16th flight of India’s Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) and 10th flight with Indigenous Cryogenic stage. 
    • GSLV is a three-stage launch vehicle having a liftoff mass of 420 tonnes. 
      • First stage comprises a solid propellant motor
      • Second stage comprises earth-storable propellants.
      • Third stage is a cryogenic stage.
    • GSLV can launch spacecraft capable of performing communications, navigation, earth resource surveys, and any other proprietary mission.
  • Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO): Transfer orbits are a special kind of orbit used to get from one orbit to another
    • To attain geosynchronous (and also geostationary) Earth orbits, a spacecraft is launched into an elliptical orbit with an apoapsis altitude of around 37,000 km. This is called a GTO.
  • Geostationary orbit (GEO): Satellites in GEO circle Earth above the equator from west to east by travelling at the same rate as Earth. 
    • This makes satellites in GEO appear to be ‘stationary’ over a fixed position
  • Tags :
  • weather forecasting
  • Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO)
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