BharatGPT group led by IIT Bombay to launch ‘Hanooman’ a ChatGPT-like service | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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BharatGPT group led by IIT Bombay to launch ‘Hanooman’ a ChatGPT-like service

Posted 27 Feb 2024

Updated 27 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • Hanooman is a series of Large Language Models (LLMs) that can respond in various Indian languages like Hindi, Tamil, and Marathi.
    • It is expected to work in four fields, including health care, governance, financial services, and education.
  • LLMs are deep learning models that consume and train on massive datasets to excel in language processing tasks
    • They create new combinations of text that mimic natural language based on its training data.
    •  The training data is usually large datasets including Wikipedia and OpenWebText. 


  • Applications of LLM
    • Medical:  For tasks like protein structure prediction that can uncover patterns in disease and predict outcomes.
    • Retail: To provide enhanced customer experiences through dynamic chatbots. 
    • Software: To write software and teach robots how to do physical tasks.
    • Finance: To summarize earnings calls and create transcripts of important meetings. 
    • Marketing: To organize customer feedback. 


  • Challenges in developing LLM: Significant capital investment, large datasets, technical expertise, and large-scale compute infrastructure necessary to develop and maintain LLMs. 
    • Sourcing of quality datasets in Indian languages is a major hurdle in developing LLM in Indian languages.

Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) vs LLM

  • A GPT is a type of LLM that uses deep learning to generate human-like text. 
  • They are called 
    • "generative" because they can generate new text based on the input they receive, 
    • "pretrained" because they are trained on a large corpus of text data before being fine-tuned for specific tasks, and 
    • "transformers" because they use a transformer based neural network architecture to process input text and generate output text.
  • Tags :
  • Hanooman
  • Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT)
  • Large Language Models (LLMs)
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