Scientists Declare Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) a Biosphere on Brink of Collapse | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Scientists Declare Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) a Biosphere on Brink of Collapse

Posted 07 Feb 2024

Updated 18 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • Researchers at International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) describe speed and scale of losses in nature and habitat in HKH region as catastrophic.



  • About Hindu Kush Himalaya Region
    • HKH Region extends about 3,500 km from Afghanistan in the west to Myanmar in the east.
    • Home to largest ice reserves outside Polar Regions, feeds 10 major rivers including Ganga.
    • Known as greater Himalayan region or the roof of the world.


  • Concerns
    • As per Asian Development Bank, HKH region is warming faster than global average and if global temperature rises hit 3°C, 75% of glaciers in Bhutan and Nepal could melt by end of century.
    • 70% of the original biodiversity has been lost over last century.


  • Initiatives to protect HKH 
    • ICIMOD an intergovernmental institution (Headquartered at Kathmandu) working towards climate resilient HKH. 
      • Regional member countries of ICIMOD are Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan.
    • Hindu Kush Himalayan Monitoring and Assessment Programme (HIMAP) coordinated by ICIMOD.
    • National Mission on Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem, launched by India as part of National Action Plan on Climate Change.
  • Tags :
  • Hindu Kush
  • Himalayas
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