Centre revises Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana (PMKKKY) guidelines for utlisation of fund | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Centre revises Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana (PMKKKY) guidelines for utlisation of fund

Posted 08 Feb 2024

Updated 16 Mar 2024

2 min read


About PMKKKY scheme 

  • Background: Launched in 2015 by Centre under Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) or MMDR Act, 1957. 
  • Ministry: Ministry of Mines 


  • Purpose: To ensure certain minimum provisions for development programme by all District Mineral Foundations (DMFs). 
    • DMF is a non-profit trust under MMDR Act set up by the State Governments in all mining-affected districts.
    • Mining companies are required to contribute 10% and 30% of the royalty (depending on the date of mining lease granted) to DMFs, in addition to the royalty paid to state governments. 


  • Key objectives: Implement various welfare programs in mining-affected areas, minimize adverse impacts of mining, etc. 


  • Beneficiaries: 
    • Directly affected people which incorporates
      • ‘Affected family’ as well as ‘Displaced family’ as defined under Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.
      • Any other as appropriately identified by the concerned gram sabha
    • Directly or indirectly affected areas. 


  • Utilisation of Funds:  As per the recent revised guideline 70% of the fund should go for high priority and 30% for other priority sectors (earlier this ratio was 60% and 40%). 


  • Other features
    • Special provisions for scheduled areas
    • Provides for yearly audit of the accounts of the DMFs. 


Different sectors for utilisation of funds under PMKKKY

  • High Priority Sectors include drinking water supply, environment preservation and pollution control measures, health care, education, welfare of women and children, welfare of aged and differently abled, etc. 
  • Other Priority Sectors include physical infrastructure, irrigation, energy and watershed development, and any other measures for enhancing environmental quality in the mining affected district
  • Tags :
  • Minerals
  • District Mineral Foundations
  • mines and minerals
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