- Status of Farm mechanization
- Overall Agriculture Mechanization Level of country is 47% which is comparatively lower than that of developing countries like China (59.5%) and Brazil (75%).
- India would take about 25 years to achieve 75-80% mechanisation.
- Significance of Farm mechanization
- Increase productivity and ensure judicious use of other inputs like seeds, fertilizers, and natural resources like water, soil nutrients etc.
- Increases efficiency of farm labor and reduces human drudgery and cost of cultivation.
- Helps in conversion of uncultivable land to agricultural land through advanced tilling techniques.
- Challenges in Farm Mechanisation Small farm size, capital shortage, inadequate service centers, availability of cheap labor, and low cost of labour
- Recommendations made by committee
- Mechanization level of 75 % should be achieved in a shorter period than 25 years.
- Streamlining testing procedure, training of engineers and testing of farm equipments.
- Establishment of National Institute of Agricultural Robotics and AI and a directorate of engineering.
- Need for improvement in functioning of custom hiring centers and farm machinery banks by issuing adequate allocation of fund, awareness campaign.
Steps taken to promote Farm Mechanization