- Committee examined the plastic waste management in country and related issues.
- Concern raised:
- Inadequate disposal and utilisation: Most of the total plastic waste in the country remained unutilised.
- It leads to pollution of air, water and soil, and ultimately affects human health.
- Governance Issue: Non-compliance of Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 (latest notified in 2023), mainly related with the Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR).
- Lackadaisical approach of Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and SPCBs/ PCCs allowed the plastic units to function without valid registrations.
- Lack of mechanism for assessment of generation of plastic waste.
- Other Issues: Improper collection and segregation, delay in Elimination of Single Use Plastic, poor monitoring by Urban local bodies (ULBs) etc.
- Inadequate disposal and utilisation: Most of the total plastic waste in the country remained unutilised.
- Key Recommendations:
- Reporting of data online on the national dashboard may be made mandatory, along with Proof of Photo/Video and GPS location.
- Comprehensive policy is required for containing pollution caused by plastics.
- Penal provisions for not setting up Plastic Waste Management (PWM) systems by ULB’s.
- Involvement of rag pickers and Junk dealers to expedite the process of segregation and collection.