Fourteenth Meeting of Conference of Parties (COP14) to Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Fourteenth Meeting of Conference of Parties (COP14) to Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS)

Posted 19 Feb 2024

Updated 22 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • COP14 concluded in Samarkand, Uzbekistan with a host of new measures to safeguard migratory species (see table).

Agenda items

Key outcomes

Migratory Species Conservation

  • Samarkand Strategic Plan for Migratory Species for 2024-2032. 
  • New Global Guidelines addressing the impacts of Light Pollution on migratory species.

Species specific mandates

  • Addition of 14 species to CMS Appendices including Eurasian Lynx, Pallas’s Cat and Sand Tiger Shark.
  • New Concerted Actions forsix species, including Chimpanzee, Straw-colored Fruit Bat, and Blue Shark.
  • Three new Action Plans for aquatic species, the Atlantic Humpback Dolphin, the Hawksbill Turtle and the Angelshark.

Migratory Birds

  • Agreement on Central Asian Flyway (CAF) spanning 30 Range States of migratory birds. It includes establishment of a coordinating unit in India

Scientific Reports

  • First ever State of the World’s Migratory Species report.

New Global Initiative

  • New Global Partnership on Ecological Connectivity (GPEC) was launched. 
    • It aims to ensure that ecological connectivity is maintained, enhanced, and restored in critical areas for migratory species.
    • Belgium, France, Monaco, and Uzbekistan are CMS Parties supporting GPEC. 
  • At COP14, India was one of the recipients of the Migratory Species Champion Programme for its contribution to conservation of migratory birds in CAF.

Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS)

  • Also known as Bonn Convention, it is the only global convention specializing in the conservation of migratory species.
  • It has two appendices:
    • Appendix I: Lists migratory species threatened with extinction.
    • Appendix II: Lists migratory species that would significantly benefit from international cooperation. 
  • India is a party to CMS. 
  • Tags :
  • COP14
  • CMS
  • Migratory Species Conservation
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