Drought situation posing threat to Cardamom sector | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Drought situation posing threat to Cardamom sector

Posted 01 Apr 2024

2 min read

  • About Cardamom 
    • It is a monotype genus of plants found in the tropical Indo-Malaya region (native to the evergreen rainy forests of the Western Ghats).
    • Mainly cultivated in Kerala (58%), Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu.
    • Required climatic conditions: 
      • Rainfall: 1500-2500 mm.
      • Temperature: 15°C to 35°C .
      • Height: 600-1200 m above mean sea level.
      • Soil: acidic forest loamy soils.


  • Challenges for cultivating cardamom
    • Highly climate-sensitive and location-specific crop.
    • The scope for area expansion is limited as grows at high altitudes.
    • High pest and disease incidence.
  • According to the World Bank, India was the second largest exporter of cardamom in 2021, after Guatemala.


  • Government initiatives to support Cardamom
    • Spices Board is encouraging farmers to expand in non-traditional areas.
      • The Board has also formulated standard operational procedures covering all aspects from production to marketing.
    • Development of infrastructure for common processing facilities in Spices Parks, adoption of Hi-Tech in spice processing, etc to boost export.

About Spice Board of India

  • Genesis: constituted in 1987 under the Spices Board Act 1986.
  • Headquarter: Cochin, Kerala
  • Role: Autonomous body responsible for the export promotion of the 52 scheduled spices and development of Cardamom.
  • Ministry: Ministry of Commerce & Industry. 
  • Tags :
  • Cardamom
  • Spice Board of India
  • drought
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