Tissue culture lab to generate saplings of threatened or rare native Delhi trees | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Tissue culture lab to generate saplings of threatened or rare native Delhi trees

Posted 01 Apr 2024

1 min read


  • It will be set up at the Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary.
  • The species identified are Hingot,  Khair, Bistendu, Siri, Palash etc


  • About Plant Tissue Culture(PTC)
    • It refers to the cultivation of undifferentiated plant cells, tissues or organs on synthetic media under aseptic environment and suitable controlled physical conditions.
    • It is based upon the totipotency characteristic of a plant cell.
      • Totipotency is the ability of a vegetative cell to divide and differentiate into any type of specialized cell.


  • Types of PTC
    • Organ Culture: any part of the plant (root, stem, leaf, and flower) is used as an explant for culturing purposes.
    • Seed culture: the explants are obtained from the plants that are already cultured and grown under in vitro conditions.
    • Embryo culture: the embryo is isolated and cultured under in vitro conditions. 


  • Applications of PTC:  to obtain disease-free plants, to obtain rapid multiplication of plants, Large-scale fabrication of artificial seeds, etc


  • Issues/Challenges with PTC: Inadequate Infrastructure, lack of skilled manpower, lack of scientific knowledge about biotechnological principles, etc.




  • Tags :
  • Tissue culture
  • Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary
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