IMD warns of more tornadoes in northern Bengal | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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IMD warns of more tornadoes in northern Bengal

Posted 04 Apr 2024

2 min read

  • In recent years, many tornadoes have formed across India. A warming Bay of Bengal, heated land and strange wind patterns could be a reason behind this.


  • Tornado is land-based vertical column of violently rotating air that extends from thunderstorm to ground.
    • It can have wind speeds in range of 105-322 Km/hr.
  • They develop from severe thunderstorms in warm, moist, unstable air along and ahead of cold fronts.
    • Thunderstorms are severe local storms associated with thunder, lightning, heavy rain, hail, strong winds etc.
  • Tornadoes are most common in United States, Argentina and Bangladesh.
    • In India, these are reported in eastern states of West Bengal, Odisha, and Jharkhand during pre-monsoon period. 
    • India is known for formation of Tropical Cyclones.



Tropical Cyclones


Size and Scale

Can span hundreds of miles and affect vast areas.

Size is only a few hundred yards in diameter.

Wind Shear

Require very low values of tropospheric vertical shear.

Require substantial vertical shear of horizontal winds.

Temperature Gradient

Generated in regions of near-zero horizontal temperature gradient.

Produced in regions of large temperature gradient.

Area of Formation

Purely an oceanic phenomenon.

Primarily developed over land.


Lifetime that is measured in days.

Typically lasts on the scale of minutes.


Heavy rainfall, storm surges, and widespread flooding.

Cause Localized destruction.

  • Tags :
  • Tornado
  • Tropical Cyclones
  • Bay of Bengal
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