Delhi High Court declares ‘Haldiram’ as well-known trademark | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Delhi High Court declares ‘Haldiram’ as well-known trademark

Posted 04 Apr 2024

1 min read

  • High Court declared that ‘Haldiram’ as well as the red oval-shaped mark of the brand as a ‘well-known mark’ in respect of food items, restaurants and eateries in terms of the Trade Marks Act (TMA), 1999.
    • TMA defines well-known trademark as a mark which has become so as to the substantial segment of the public which uses such goods or receives such services that the use of such mark indicates a connection.


  • India’s Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) Policy Management (IPRPM) framework covers following types of IPRs:



Legal provision

Subject Area

Term of Protection


Patent Act, 1970 

Novel, Inventive and having industrial utility

20 Years


Trademark Act 1999 

Protects brand name, logo, design for a business or commercial enterprise

10 years; Can be renewed for 10 years.


Designs Act 2000

New or original designs

10 + 5 years


Copyrights Act 1957 

Creative, artistic, literary, etc.

Authors – Lifetime + 60 years, 

Producers – 60 years,

Performers – 50 years

Geographical Indications (GI)

GI Act, 1999 

Unique characteristics due to geographical linkage

10 years; Can be renewed for 10 years.

Trade Secrets

Protected under Common Law

Confidential information having commercial value

Till confidentiality is safeguarded

  • Tags :
  • IPR
  • Intellectual Property
  • Trade Mark
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