‘Navchetana - National Framework for Early Childhood Stimulation (ECS)’ released | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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‘Navchetana - National Framework for Early Childhood Stimulation (ECS)’ released

Posted 19 Apr 2024

2 min read

  • Framework document aims to fill the conceptual and practical gaps in understanding and implementing care and stimulation from birth until the first three years of a child’s growth.


  • Childhood Stimulation: Stimulation activities involve intentional efforts to activate the child’s early development.


  • Need of ECS
    • At this age baby’s brain is twice as active as an adult’s brain and patterns of thinking and responding are established.
    • At birth only 25% of the eventual brain is formed, while 75% develops in the first 3 years of a child’s life.


  • Key highlights of the ECS Framework
    • Objective: To empower caregivers and Anganwadi Workers for holistic early stimulation, through responsive caregiving and opportunities for early learning, for optimal development of children.
    • Document emphasizes on two of the five components of nurturing care framework: ‘responsive caregiving’ and ‘creating opportunities for early learning’.
      • Nurturing care framework for Early Childhood Development was provided by WHO in 2018.
    • Entails 36 sets of activities for children from months 0 to 36 for holistic stimulation of child’s cognitive, socio-emotional, language, physical, and creative development.


Measures for Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in India

  • Article 45: Directs the State to provide ECCE for all children until they complete the age of six years.
  • Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009: Provides that appropriate government may make necessary arrangements for pre-school education.
  • National Education Policy, 2020: Recommended a sub-framework for 0-3 years old under National Curricular and Pedagogical Framework for Early Childhood Care and Education.
  • Others: India is also a signatory to the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) 1989.


  • Tags :
  • ECCE
  • National Education Policy, 2020
  • Navchetana
  • Article 45
  • Early Childhood Stimulation
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