Reserve Bank of India (RBI) released study on Monetary Policy Transmission (MPT) and Labour Markets in India | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Reserve Bank of India (RBI) released study on Monetary Policy Transmission (MPT) and Labour Markets in India

Posted 05 Oct 2024

2 min read

Study analyzes impact of informality in labor markets on inflation stabilization and monetary policy offering new insights on MPT

About Monetary Policy (MP)

  • MP is a set of actions available to a nation's central bank (RBI in India) to achieve sustainable economic growth & Maintaining price stability by adjusting money supply.
  • Statutory Basis: RBI, Act,1934 (amended in 2016).
  • MP Framework: Central Government, in consultation with RBI, determines inflation target in terms of Consumer Price Index (CPI) every 5 years.
    • Flexible Inflation Targeting: Currently, it is 4% (with a tolerance of +/- 2%) till March, 2026. 
  • Tools: Direct and indirect instruments like Repo Rate, Reverse Repo Rate etc. 
  • Types: Expansionary (Lowering interest rate to stimulate economic activity); and Contractionary (Increasing interest rate to slow down activity and prevent inflation)

Key findings of Study

  • MP Transmission: Improves with more formality in the labor market. 
  • Impact on Unemployment: Contractionary Monetary Policy (CMP) leads to Rise in unemployment in both formal and informal markets. 
  • Impact on Macroeconomic variables:  Contractionary Monetary Policy (CMP) leads to a decline in aggregate consumption, inflation, investment, output, capital stock, etc. 

Monetary Policy Committee (MPC)

  • About: Constituted by Central Government to determine policy rates(E.g. Repo) for achieving Inflation targeting. 
  • Members: 6 Members- Governor, RBI (ex-officio chairperson); five other members (2 from RBI and 3 appointed by the Government). 
  • Voting: Each member has one vote (Governor exercises the casting vote). 
  • Meeting: At least 4 times in a year
  • Quorum: 4 members. 
  • Tags :
  • Monetary Policy
  • Monetary Policy Committee
  • Monetary Policy Transmission
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