- The service sector's contribution to total GVA has risen from 50.6% in FY14 to 55.3% in FY25 (First Advance Estimates).
- India ranked 7th worldwide in global services exports with a share of 4.3% (2023)
- It also provides employment to approximately 30 % of the workforce.
Services sector performance in India
- Services also contribute indirectly to the GDP through the servicification of manufacturing, i.e., increasing utilization of services in manufacturing production and post-production value addition.
- The service sector includes: Trade, repair, hotels, and restaurants, Transport, storage, communication, and broadcasting, Financial services, Real estate etc.
Trade in the services
- Computer services and business services exports account for ~70% of India's services exports.
- India remained amongst the top five major countries in terms of growth in services exports in FY25.
Progress in logistics and physical connectivity based services
- Railways: Indian Railway is the 4th largest network in the world. It recorded an 8% growth in passenger traffic originating in FY24. Revenue-earning freight in FY24 grew by 5.2%
- Road transport: It accounted for 78%(the highest) of total GVA of transport services
- Aviation: flying high: India is the fastest-growing aviation market globally.
- Port, Waterways and Shipping: India aims to position shipbuilding and ship repair among the top 5 globally by 2047 through Maritime India Vision 2030 and Maritime Amritkaal Vision 2047.
- Inland water transport, with 14,850 km of navigable waterways, holds great potential. Currently, 26 operational waterways span over 4,800 km.
- Tourism and hospitality: Tourism sector's contribution to GDP regained the pre-pandemic level of 5% in FY23 and created 7.6 crore jobs.
- India received 1.8% of world tourism receipts and attained 14th rank in world tourism receipts during 2023.
- Real Estate: After enactment of Real Estate Regulatory Authority, India ranked 31st out of 89 countries in the Global Real Estate Transparency Index (2024).
- Information Technology (IT) Services: Information and computer-related services grew at a trend rate of 12.8% over the last decade (FY13–FY23), increasing their share of overall GVA from 6.3% to 10.9%
- Global Capability Centres (GCC): GCC are emerging as strategic hubs reshaping Indian corporate landscape and their numbers have increased to >1,700 in FY24.
- Telecommunication: India is the 2nd largest telecom market, with overall teledensity of 84%.
- India offers the world's lowest data rates and has also achieved the fastest global 5G rollout.
State wise analysis of service sector performance
- The service sector accounts for about 55% of the national GVA in FY25 with variation across the states.
- In FY23, Karnataka and Maharashtra accounted for >25% of India's total service sector Gross State Value Added (GSVA) whereas 19 states contributed just 25% to the service sector GSVA.
- Sectors with skilled digital and technical labor will thrive with AI, making workforce skilling crucial for growth.
- Streamlining complex procedures and regulations is crucial to support manufacturing and services, helping build resilience against global challenges.
One-Line Summary:India's services sector remains a key growth driver, but AI disruptions, regulatory hurdles, and global trade shifts require strategic policy interventions for sustained expansion. |
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