Interim Budget 2024-25 | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 01 Feb 2024

Updated 16 Mar 2024

8 min read

Interim Budget 2024-25

  • An interim budget is not like regular yearly budget presented by government, instead it presented in an election year.
  • Like Union budget, interim budget too is debated in Lok Sabha before passage and is valid for entire year though it is merely a transition arrangement (usually 2-4 months).
  • An interim Budget conventionally is also called a ‘vote-on-account’ because it serves as an authorisation to incur specific expenditures which is necessary till a new government comes to power.
  • Under Article 116, a vote-on-account is an upfront allocation of grant from ‘Consolidated Fund of India’ to government to address immediate expenditure needs.
  • Tags :
  • budget
  • Interim Budget
  • Article 116

Computerization Scheme for RCSs and ARDBs.

  • Minister of Cooperation launched computerization scheme for offices of Registrar of Cooperative Societies (RCSs) and Agriculture and Rural Development Banks (ARDBs) of the states. 


  • Computerization Project of ARDBs
    • Aims at computerizing 1851 units of ARDBs located in 13 States/UTs and link them with NABARD through a Common National Software. 
    • Will benefit small and marginal farmers, connected with ARDBs for credit and related services through Primary Agriculture Credit Societies (PACSs).


  • Computerization of offices of RCSs
    • For better efficiency, accountability and transparency in RCS offices, and ensuring linkage with national database.
  • Tags :
  • Banks

One District One Product (ODOP)

  • The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) is conducting events under its ODOP Sampark initiative to create awareness about ODOP.
    • DPI IT is a department under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
  • ODOP  is aimed at fostering balanced regional development across all districts of the country. 
  • It aims to select, brand, and promote at least One Product from each District (One District - One Product) of the country across all regions.
  • The States/UT would identify the food product for a district.
  • Tags :
  • ODOP

Open Market Sale Scheme (OMSS)-Domestic

  • It refers to offering of food grains (wheat & rice) in open market at prices, fixed by Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution through e-auction.
  • It is a tool to control the price in market by providing food grains at reduced prices with the aim to curb inflation.
  • Under the Scheme, Govt. of India through Food Corporation of India (FCI), offers wheat to Processors / Atta Chalki / Flour Millers of Wheat Products (Traders / Bulk Buyers are not allowed) only through e-auction.
  • Tags :
  • OMSS
  • Open Market Sale Scheme

Asteroid Bennu

  • Recently, NASA unlocked a canister of dust from asteroid Bennu.
    • Earlier NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission brought the sample from asteroid Bennu back to Earth.


  • About Asteroid Bennu 
    • Type: A small, near earth carbon-rich asteroid.
    • Age: Around 4.5 billion years old.
    • Composition: Established within 10 million years of the formation of our solar system.
    • Close encounters: Comes very close to Earth, every 6 years.


  • Asteroids are small, rocky objects that orbit the Sun, they are much smaller than planets. 
    • Main Asteroid Belt is found between Mars and Jupiter.
  • Tags :
  • asteroid
  • Bennu
  • Asteroid

Crude Oil Benchmarks

  • Brent crude and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) are two global crude oil benchmarks for crude oil pricing. 
    • Brent Crude is the benchmark used for the oil market in Europe, Africa, and Middle East, originating from oil fields in the North Sea.
      • It is the international benchmark used by the OPEC and also India.
    • WTI is the benchmark for the US oil market and is sourced from US oil fields.
  • Tags :
  • Oil price
  • West Texas Intermediate (WTI)

NewSpace India Limited (NSIL)

  • NSIL signs Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) with French company for long-term partnership to support satellite launch missions.
    • The MoU aims to meet the global commercial satellite launch service market needs.


  • About NSIL
    • It is a Government of India company under the Department of Space. 
    • It was set up by the Department of Space in March 2019 to handle ISRO's commercial activities. 
    • Its primary responsibility is to enable Indian industries to take up high-technology space-related activities.
  • Tags :
  • Space
  • NewSpace India Limited (NSIL)

Health Technology Access Pool (HTAP)

  • The World Health Organization announces the HTAP as the successor to the COVID-19 Technology Access Pool (C-TAP).
    • C-TAP was launched in May 2020 to facilitate equitable and affordable access to COVID-19 health products for people in all countries.
  • HTAP aims to increase equitable access to a broad range of health products through the sharing of intellectual property, knowledge and scientific innovation.
  • WHO will publish further details on how HTAP will operate and the technologies it will target later.
  • Tags :
  • Health
  • C-TAP
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