Indian Space Research Organisation(ISRO) completed the human rating of its CE20 cryogenic engine | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Indian Space Research Organisation(ISRO) completed the human rating of its CE20 cryogenic engine

Posted 22 Feb 2024

1 min read

  • Human-rating refers to rating a system that is capable of safely transporting humans.
  • The final test was carried out at the High Altitude Test Facility at ISRO Propulsion Complex, Mahendragiri, to simulate the flight conditions.
  • CE20 cryogenic engine powers the cryogenic stage of the human-rated LVM3 launch vehicle for Gaganyaan missions.


  • About Human-rated LVM3
    • It is a three-stage vehicle consists of the solid stage, liquid stage and cryogenic stage.
    • It is capable of launching the Orbital Module to an intended Low Earth Orbit of 400 km.
      • Orbital Module will be Orbiting Earth comprising of Crew Module and a Service Module.
    • It consists of Crew Escape System (CES)  to ensure that the Crew Module is taken to a safe distance in case of any emergency.


  • About Gaganyaan
    • It is India’s first human spaceflight mission.
    • It aims to launch a crew of 3 members to low earth orbit of 400km for three days.
    •  India will become the fourth country to send a crewed spacecraft to space(after the USA, Russia, and China).
  • Tags :
  • Gaganyaan
  • LVM3
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