Venture Debt
- According to report, India’s venture debt (VD) market raised $ 1.2 billion in 2023, a 50 % surge from 2022.
- Consumer and fintech emerged as the top sectors for raising funds through venture debt.
- About Venture Debt:
- It is a type of financing often used by early stage startups that do not yet have a proven track record of generating revenue.
- Unlike traditional debt financing, venture debt is usually provided by specialized lenders willing to take on more risk for potentially higher returns.
- Tags :
- Startups
- Venture Debt
Rashtriya Udyamita Vikas Pariyojana (RUVP)
- Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship launched RUVP under Skill India Mission.
- About RUVP
- Tailored specifically for beneficiaries of PM SVANidhi (Street Vendors AtmaNirbhar Nidhi) scheme.
- Offers individuals with comprehensive entrepreneurship training (over a period of 22 weeks) combining theoretical knowledge with practical exposure through experiential learning.
- Focuses on reskilling and upskilling employees to enhance their competitiveness and adaptability.
- It will be piloted initially in selected districts, with focus on ensuring 40% women participation.
- Training will be conducted through offline, online and hybrid modes, with certificates awarded upon completion.
- Tags :
- Rashtriya Udyamita Vikas Pariyojana
Pigeon Pea (Red gram, Tur, Arhar)
- Hyderabad-based International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics announces World’s first Pigeon Pea speed breeding protocol.
- The protocol will shorten breeding cycle to 2- 4 years (traditionally -13 years) and will strengthen food security in Asia and Africa.
- About Pigeon Pea
- High nutritional value (iron, calcium, phosphorous etc.).
- India is largest producer in 2021.
- Climate requirement
- Crop of tropical areas mainly cultivated in semi-arid regions of India.
- Temperature: 26°C to 30°C in rainy season (June to October) and 17°C to 22°C in post rainy season (November to March).
- Tags :
- Pigeon Pea
Miyawaki Method
- Coal/Lignite Public Sector Undertakings have adopted Miyawaki plantation method in its suitable areas.
- About Miyawaki method
- Based on work of Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki, it enhances green cover within a limited area and establishes dense forest in 10 years.
- It involves cultivating multi-layered forests that exhibit rapid growth and replicate natural biodiversity found in native forests.
- Such forests lack some qualities of natural forests, like medicinal properties and ability to bring rain.
- Benefits: Mitigate ecological impact of mining activities; Creating carbon sinks, Providing livelihood opportunities for local communities etc.
- Tags :
- Miyawaki method
- Forestry
Baleen Whales (Mysticetes)
- Scientists discover anatomy behind songs of Baleen Whales. They use a larynx, or voice box, anatomically modified to enable underwater vocalization.
- About Baleen Whales
- There are 14 species of baleen whale including blue, bowhead, right, humpback, minke, sei, Bryde, rorquals and gray whale.
- All species of baleen whales are listed under CITES Appendix I, prohibiting commercial international trade.
- Three of the species occur in India i.e. blue, Bryde and humpback whale.
- Characteristics: No teeth, Grow to lengths of 30 meters; Expert divers etc.
- Tags :
- Baleen Whales
- Whale
Umbrella scheme for safety of women
- Union cabinet approved funds for implementing the Umbrella scheme for safety of women for the period 2021-22 to 2025-26.
- About Umbrella scheme
- Nodal Ministry: Ministry of Home Affairs
- Objective: Strengthening mechanisms in States/Union Territories for ensuring timely intervention and investigation in case of crime against women and crime prevention in such matters.
- Key Projects covered:
- Emergency Response Support System (ERSS) 2.0.
- Upgradation of Central Forensic Sciences laboratories, including setting up of National Forensic Data Centre.
- Strengthening of DNA Analysis, Cyber Forensic capacities in State Forensic Science Laboratories, etc.
- Tags :
- Women Safety
- crime against women
BrahMos missiles
- Cabinet Committee on Security has cleared the acquisition of over 200 BrahMos extended-range supersonic cruise missiles for navy.
- About BrahMos missiles
- Developed under the joint venture agreement between India and Russia.
- A Supersonic Cruise Missile i.e travels at a speed of around 2-3 Mach.
- Cruise Missile is propelled by jet engines.
- Key Features:
- Fire and Forget principle of operation.
- Long flight range (290km) with varieties of flight trajectories.
- Low radar signature.
- Pin point accuracy with high lethal power aided by large kinetic energy on impact.
- Tags :
- BrahMos missiles
- Cruise Missile
Guinea Worm Disease (GWD)
- According to World Health Organization, world is near to eradicate GWD.
- About GWD (Dracunculiasis)
- It is an infection caused by parasite Dracunculus medinensis.
- Spread by drinking water containing Guinea worm larvae. Larvae are immature forms of worm.
- Affects people in rural, deprived, and isolated communities who depend mainly on open stagnant surface water sources like ponds.
- Also infections in animals, particularly in dogs, have been reported.
- It is one of the Neglected Tropical Diseases.
- There is no vaccine and drug to prevent the disease and treat patients.
- India successfully eradicated GWD in 2000.
- Tags :
- Guinea Worm Disease
- Dracunculus medinensis
Place in News
Albania (Capital: Tirana)
- Albania has announced to open an Embassy in India.
- Political Boundaries:
- Located in Southeastern Europe in the Balkan Peninsula.
- It shares land border with Montenegro (North West), Kosovo (North East), North Macedonia (East), and Greece (South and South East).
- Water Bodies: Adriatic Sea (West) and Ionian seas (South West)
- Geographical Features:
- Physiography: About three-fourths of its territory consists of mountains and hills; the remainder consists of coastal and alluvial lowlands.
- Tags :
- Albania
- Balkan Peninsula