Prime Minister of Greece paid State visit to India | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Prime Minister of Greece paid State visit to India

Posted 23 Feb 2024

2 min read

  • Key highlights
    • Greece decided to join the Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative (IPOI). 
      • IPOI is an initiative of India which builds upon the Security and Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR) initiative announced in 2015.
    • Both countries agreed to collaborate in the Eastern Mediterranean region and advance the development of the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) Corridor.
      • IMEC was launched by India on the sidelines of the G20 Leaders’ Summit in 2023.
    • Announced to establish a Joint Working Group (JWG) to enhance coordination on common challenges in defence, cybersecurity, counter-terrorism, and maritime security.
      • Emphasized the need for increased cooperation in defence manufacturing
    • Reiterated their commitment to double trade between the two nations by 2030.
      • Bilateral Trade in 2022-23 was USD 1.9 billion.


  • Key Aspects of India-Greece Relations: 
    • Key Partner in the Mediterranean Region and act as a gateway to the European Union (EU). 
    • Relations were elevated to Strategic Partnership in 2023.
    • Supported India’s membership in Wassenaar Arrangement, Australia Group etc.
      • Supports United Nation Security Council (UNSC) expansion, with India as a permanent member.
    • Joined India led Initiatives like International Solar Alliance (ISA).  


RAISINA Dialogue 

  • Greek PM was the chief guest 9th edition of the Raisina Dialogue.
  • Raisina Dialogue is India’s flagship conference on geopolitics and geo-economics, committed to addressing the most challenging issues facing the international community.
  • The theme of the 2024 edition is Chaturanga: Conflict, Contest, Cooperate, Create
  • Jointly organised by the Ministry of External Affairs and the Observer Research Foundation.


  • Tags :
  • India-Greece
  • Raisina Dialogue
  • IPOI
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