National Green Tribunal (NGT) asks CPCB to prepare pan India guidelines to tackle illegal sand mining | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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National Green Tribunal (NGT) asks CPCB to prepare pan India guidelines to tackle illegal sand mining

Posted 02 Dec 2024

2 min read

NGT stated that extraction of silica sand from silica sand mines causes health hazards like silicosis (lung disease caused by inhaling crystalline silica dust) to workers.

  • NGT also observed that Silica sand washing plants lack proper record-keeping, and Statutory Regulators neglect compliance with laws.
  • Silica sand is produced by crushing sandstone or quartzite of open texture, and washing and grading it to yield requisite grain distribution. 

About Sand Resource

  • Sand is world’s second-most exploited natural resource, after water. (UNEP)
  • Sand is classified as a minor mineral under Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 (MMDR Act).

About Sand Mining

  • Definition: Removal of primary natural sand and resources like minerals, metals from natural environment (land, rivers, etc.) for extracting valuable crushed stone etc. for subsequent processing.
  • Factors responsible for illegal sand mining: High demand for sand in construction; organized sand mafias; lack of sustainable alternatives etc.

Consequence of Illegal Sand Mining

  • Flooding and Sedimentation: Alters river course causing flooding and sedimentation, loss of fertile land, damage to infrastructure etc.
  • Groundwater Depletion: Lowers groundwater table, affecting wells and causing water scarcity.
  • Biodiversity Loss:  Disrupts aquatic habitats, threatens endangered river species like gharial, freshwater turtles, otters, river dolphins etc.

Steps taken to tackle Illegal Sand Mining 

  • Section 23C of MMDR Act allows State Governments and UT Administrations to create rules to prevent illegal mining, transportation, and storage of minerals. 
  • Sustainable Sand Management Guidelines (2016) and Enforcement & Monitoring Guidelines (2020) focus on restoring river ecology.
  • Sand Mining Framework (2018) promotes alternatives like Manufactured Sand and sand from Overburden of coal mines.
  • Mining Surveillance System to use space technology for tracking and controlling illegal sand mining.


  • Tags :
  • Illegal Sand Mining
  • Mining Surveillance System
  • MMDR Act
  • Sand Mining Framework
  • Silica sand
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