VisionIAS - Online Self Test
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Consider the following statements with respect to India-Bangladesh relations:

1. Bangladesh is India"s largest trading partner in South Asia

2. India shares the second-largest land boundary with Bangladesh after Pakistan.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

(a)1 only

(b)2 only


(d)None of the above


Which constitutional amendment act implemented the land boundary agreement between India and Bangladesh?

(a)101st constitutional amendment act 

(b)102nd constitutional amendment act 

(c)100th constitutional amendment act 

(d)103rd constitutional amendment act 


Consider the following statements with regard to the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar (BCIM) Economic Corridor:

1. It could lead to increased economic activities and revenue generation for the region.
2. It has the potential to spur the development of India"s northeastern states. 
3. The BCIM corridor aligns with India"s Act East Policy.
4. This can have a negative impact on India"s competitiveness in the global market.

How many of the above can be probable prospects (s) for India with its participation in the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar (BCIM) Economic Corridor?

(a)Only one

(b)Only two

(c)Only three

(d)All four


Consider the following statements:

1. India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal have ratified it.
2. It is primarily a sub-regional initiative involving South Asian countries. 
3. It aims to simplify and harmonize cross-border transportation procedures, reduce transit times and costs, and promote economic cooperation and trade within the sub-region. 

How many of the above state statements are correct with regard to the BBIN-Motor Vehicle Agreement (MVA)? 

(a)Only one

(b)Only two

(c)All three



Which of the following is not part of BCIM?






Consider the following statements:

Statement (I): Feni River originates in the Tripura state and flows through its southern part, including the town of Sabroom.
Statement (II): Feni River enters Bangladesh and eventually drains into the Bay of Bengal.

Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?

(a)Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement II is the correct explanation for Statement-I

(b)Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I

(c)Statement-I is correct but Statement II is incorrect

(d)Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct


Consider the following statements:

1. It is known as the "Chicken"s Neck".
2. It is a narrow strip of land located in the Assam.
3. It is a corridor of land that connects the northeastern states of India to the rest of the country. 
4. The corridor is situated between Nepal and Bangladesh.

How many of the above statement(s) is/are correct with regard to the Siliguri Corridor?

(a)Only one

(b)Only two

(c)Only three

(d)All four


Consider the following statements:

Statement (I): Residents of enclaves faced unique challenges, including issues related to citizenship, access to services, and movement across borders.
Statement (II): Enclaves are territories completely surrounded by the territory of another country.

Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?

(a)Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement II is the correct explanation for Statement-I

(b)Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I

(c)Statement-I is correct but Statement II is incorrect

(d)Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct


"If Bangladesh is India-locked, Tripura is Bangladesh-locked." In the context of this statement discuss the significance of improved connectivity through Bangladesh for the development of India"s northeast. (250 words/15 Marks)


How does the development Bangladesh, China, India, and Myanmar (BCIM) project offer India an opportunity to create its own win-win relationship with China? Examine.          (150 Words/10 Marks)

1) a
2) c
3) c
4) b
5) b
6) b
7) c
8) a