- About Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati
- Born at Morvi in Kathiawar (Gujarat) was a philosopher and a social reformer.
- Original name: Mula Shankar.
- Was a disciple of Swami Virajananda.
- Founder of Arya Samaj.
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- Key Contributions
- Religious reforms: Denounced idolatry and ritualistic worship, preached respect and reverence for other human beings.
- Believed in infallible authority of Vedas and gave slogan of ‘Back to Vedas’.
- Social reforms: Claimed caste is not supposed to be hereditary but rather on the basis of individual’s talents and disposition.
- Was against practice of untouchability and advocated Vedic education for all castes.
- Opposed child marriage and forced widowhood and campaigned for women’s education.
- Political: Gave call for 'Swarajya' as 'India for Indians' in 1876 and favoured political system based on enlightened monarchy.
- Literary works: Satyartha Prakash, Veda Bhasya Bhumika, Veda Bhasya, etc.
- Religious reforms: Denounced idolatry and ritualistic worship, preached respect and reverence for other human beings.
- Contemporary relevance of Dayananda Saraswati
- Value-based education: Emphasis on universal truths, humanism, work for common welfare, etc.
- Scientific temper and rational thinking: He led crusade against superstitions and orthodoxy.
- Social justice: Eradication of discrimination based on caste, creed, sect, etc.