Standing Committee on Agriculture, Animal husbandry and Food processing presented 'Promotion of Climate Resilient Farming’ Report | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Standing Committee on Agriculture, Animal husbandry and Food processing presented 'Promotion of Climate Resilient Farming’ Report

Posted 12 Feb 2024

Updated 16 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • Report highlighted that Climate Resilient Farming is imperative given the susceptibility of Indian Agriculture to climate change.
  • Climate-resilient farming or agriculture is an approach which includes the sustainable use of existing natural resources through crop and livestock production systems to achieve long term and higher productivity along with farm incomes under climate variabilities. 


  • Need of Climate-resilient farming
    • Crops and Horticulture:  Yield is expected to decrease.
      • For instance, rainfed rice yields in India will decline by 20% in 2050 and 47% in 2080.
      • Also, Hailstorms occurring during the flowering and fruit set stage result in lesser mango production. 
    • Livestock:  Rising temperatures may affect livestock physiology and energy expenditure of livestock, reducing milk, meat, wool, and draught power output.
    • Fisheries sector: 1°C temperature rise can disrupt fish survival, migrations, and habitats, altering stocks with potential permanent displacement to new areas.


  • Key Recommendations
    • National Agriculture Disaster Management Authority (NADMA): Creation of Single Nodal Agency at National Level to deal with issues of Climate Change. 
    • KVK2.0 (Krishi Vigyan Kendras): Transform KVKs with technology such as Artificial Intelligence for better farmer support.
    • Others: Technology such as Big data analytics will optimize irrigation schedules, promotion of Carbon market in Agriculture.


Initiatives for climate resilient Farming in India

  • National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture: enhances the resilience of Indian agriculture covering crops, livestock, and fisheries. 
  • National Mission of Sustainable Agriculture: to promote the judicious management of available resources.
  • Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana: Micro/drip irrigation promotion
  • Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana: Promoting climate-smart practices (0rganic farming)
  • Other: Green India Mission, Soil Health Card scheme, etc. 
  • Tags :
  • Smart agriculture
  • Standing Committee on Agriculture
  • Climate Resilient Farming
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