US House passes ‘Strengthening the Quad Act’ | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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US House passes ‘Strengthening the Quad Act’

Posted 17 Feb 2024

Updated 22 Mar 2024

1 min read

  • Key Provisions of Bill
    • Directs the US State Department to enact a strategy for increasing engagement and cooperation with the Quad.Seeks to establish a Quad Intra-Parliamentary Working Group to facilitate cooperation between members.
  • About Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad)
    • Quad is an informal forum of like-minded countries comprising the USA, India, Australia and Japan. 
      • Origin can be traced back to Quad collaboration in 2004 Tsunami rescue operations in the Indian Ocean region
      • The first Quad Leaders’ Summit took place in 2021. 
    • It commits member countries to work as a force for global good and to support an open, free, and inclusive Indo-Pacific that is prosperous and resilient.
  • Importance for India
    • Through the Quad, India can counterbalance China’s growing presence in the Indo-Pacific region, including its BRI (Belt and Road Initiative).
    • With the Quad, India can rise above its middle-power status and project its influence beyond the Indo-Pacific. 
    • Its informality provides in-built flexibility and allows members to pursue their foreign policy interests while enjoying the benefits of cooperation. 
  • Tags :
  • QUAD
  • Quadrilateral Security Dialogue
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