Place in News: Romania | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Place in News: Romania

Posted 05 Apr 2024

Updated 06 Apr 2024

1 min read

Romania (Capital: Bucharest)


  • A research center in Romania developed world’s most powerful LASER, which promises revolutionary advances in sectors like health, space, etc.


  • Political features
    • Located in Southeastern Europe.
    • Bordered by Ukraine (north), Moldova (northeast), Bulgaria (south), Serbia (southwest), and Hungary (west).
    • Bounded by Black Sea to the Southeast.
    • Joined NATO in 2004 and the European Union in 2007.


  • Geographical features
    • Climate is temperate and marked by four distinct seasons.
    • Relief is dominated by the Carpathian Mountains.
    • Major rivers: Danube, Tisza, Prut, etc.
    • Highest peak: Mount Moldoveanu.
  • Tags :
  • Romania
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