India’s extensive 7,500 kilometer long coastline (nature’s buffer between land and sea) is now facing increased disruptions, impacting the livelihood of millions.
Status of Coastal Erosion in India
- According to a study by National Centre for Coastal Research, (NCCR), about 33.6% of coast is eroding, 26.9% is accreting and 39.5% is in a stable state.
- State wise analysis suggests that more than 40% of erosion is noticed in four states/UT i.e. West Bengal (63%), Pondicherry (57%), Kerala (45%) and Tamil Nadu (41%) coast.
Coastal Erosion
- It is breaking down and carrying away of materials by sea. Coast is eroded by destructive waves through four main processes i.e. Hydraulic Action, Compression, Abrasion and Attrition.
- Erosional landforms created include Cliffs, Terraces, Caves, Stacks, arch and Stumps.
Causes of Coastal Erosion
- Natural Causes: Rising sea levels, Mangrove depletion, Cyclonic activity, Action of waves, winds, tides, near shore currents, storms etc.
- Anthropogenic causes: Unregulated sand extraction and construction of ports etc., Dredging of tidal entrances and navigational channels, damming, Beach nourishment etc.
Possible Innovative Solution for Coastal Erosion
- Community driven conservation program and Real-time erosion monitoring using artificial intelligence (AI).
- Adopting Nature Based approaches: Climate-resilient sand nourishment, Mangrove reforestation
- Shoreline Management Plan should consider local and regional drivers of erosion
Initiatives Taken for Tackling Coastal Erosion