Oil spill was triggered by storm damaged oil tankers near Kerch Strait which released thousands of tons of heavy fuel oil, known as mazut, into the sea.
Oil Pollution
- Oil pollution includes the accidental or deliberate, operational spills of oil from ships, especially tankers, offshore platforms and pipelines.
- Oil discharges to marine environment may also occur from natural seeps, and land-based sources such as untreated sewage and storm water, rivers, coastal refineries, oil storage facilities etc.
- Oil floats on saltwater and spreads out rapidly across the water surface to form a thin layer called oil slick.
Impact of Oil Pollution
- Environmental Impacts:
- Threat to Biodiversity: Marine mammals, Fishes, Turtles, Seabirds face threats like poisoning, hypothermia, drowning, damaged airways, loss of insulating ability etc.
- Impact Coastal and Marine Habitats: Coral reefs risk smothering and toxicity; mangroves, marshes, and seagrasses suffer damage or death.
- Socio Economic Impacts:
- Fisheries Sectors: Polluted Fisheries impact livelihood.
- Health Risks: Exposure through direct contact, inhalation, or consumption of contaminated seafood.
Remedial Measures for Cleaning Oil Spills
- Bioremediation: Use of microorganisms to degrade contaminants For e.g., Oilzapper and Oilivorous-S.
- Booms and Skimmers: Booms are physical barriers that slow the spread of oil while skimmers are boats that skim spilled oil from water surface.
- Sorbents: Big sponges used to absorb oil.
Laws and Convention on Oil Pollution