Directions were issued to all States and Union Territories for uniform implementation of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 (POSH Act).
Directions issued by Court
- Appropriate Government should notify District Officers for every district to discharge functions under the POSH Act.
- Duties of District Officers include:
- Ensuring constitution of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) within organizations in the district.
- Section 4 of POSH Act requires every employer to constitute ICC, which receives complaints, initiates enquiry, and recommend actions.
- Constitute the 'Local Committee' as stipulated under Section 6 of POSH Act.
- Local Committee receives complaints of sexual harassment from establishments, where Internal Complaints Committee has not been constituted due to having less than 10 workers or if complaint is against the employer.
- Designate one Nodal Officer in every Block/Taluka/Tehsil in rural or tribal areas or municipality in urban areas.
- Ensuring constitution of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) within organizations in the district.
- Jurisdiction of Local Committee extends to the area of concerned district.
- Every state could think of instituting a SHeBox for registering of complaints.
- Sexual Harassment electronic Box (SHe-Box) aims to provide a single window access to every woman to facilitate registration of sexual harassment complaints.
Key Provisions of POSH Act 2013