A snap election is an election that is called earlier than expected, often to capitalize on a unique political opportunity or to solve a deadlock in parliament.
How Does the German Election System Work?
- Mixed Members Proportional Representation System: Electoral system is a combination of Majority or "first-past-the-post" System (first votes) and proportional representation system on basis of votes for party lists in Länder (second votes).
- 299 members of Bundestag (Lower house of parliament) are elected through first votes and remaining through second votes.
- Selecting Chancellor: German citizens do not elect a chancellor directly, but their votes determine makeup of parliament every four years and representatives further elect chancellor.
- Dual Voting System: Each voter has 2 votes: 1 ("first vote") for an individual candidate in one of constituencies (majority system), and 1 ("second vote") for party list in Länder.
- Overhang Seats: If a party wins more seats in majority system than it is entitled to by results of second vote, then it can keep additional seats, called "overhang seats".
- Balance seats: In cases where some parties obtain overhang seats, "balance seats" are added to other parties to ensure complete proportionality of share of votes for all parties nationwide.
Election of Chancellor