Frontier technologies such as AI, proxy warfare, space warfare and cyber-attacks are posing a big challenge and reshaping nature of warfare.
Frontier Technologies in Warfare
- AI based warfare: AI based tools are designed to assist complex decisions like target selection, collateral damage assessments, providing recommendation etc. e.g. AI-powered drones
- Electromagnetic warfare: It is a military capability that exploits electromagnetic energy across the battlespace to create offensive and defensive effects.
- Space warfare: Military operations in outer space, utilizing both kinetic (physical) and non-kinetic (electronic, cyber) means to achieve strategic objectives. E.g. Anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons
- Cyber attacks: it is deliberate exploitation of computer systems to steal critical data of a country. E.g. cybersecurity breach at Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant
Issues with Frontier Technologies
- Challenges to International Security: Increased risk of destabilization due to asymmetry in technological capabilities and Proliferation of advanced technologies to non-state actors.
- Legal gaps: lack of international laws on use of these technologies in warfare further increases vulnerability of human rights violation.
- Dual use dilemma: Technologies designed for peaceful purposes can be repurposed for military applications, blurring lines between civilian and military tech use.
- Other Issues: Risks of algorithmic bias, accountability issues, potential for AI arms races etc.
Steps taken by India for adopting Frontier Technologies: