Why in the News?
The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) marked the 10th anniversary of the launch of the Forest Ecosystem Restoration Initiative (FERI) in 2024.
About Forest Ecosystem Restoration Initiative (FERI)
- It is a collaborative project developed by The Korea Forest Service of the Republic of Korea, in cooperation with the Executive Secretary of the CBD in 2014.
- Mandate: It directly supports developing countries in the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF)
- KMGBF has a set of 23 targets to be achieved by 2030 to halt and reverse biodiversity loss (adopted in 2022 to replace Aichi Biodiversity Targets).
- FERI’s other Initiatives:
- Short-Term Action Plan on Ecosystem Restoration (STAPER)
- WePlan – Forests: A decision support platform for tropical forest ecosystem restoration.
About Forest ecosystem restoration
- It involves returning trees to former forest land and improving the condition of degraded forests , planting native tree species, conserving wild plants and animals and protecting the soils and water sources that are part of the forest ecosystem.
- Major global Initiatives for forest restoration
- IUCN’s Forest Conservation Programme for sustainable management of forests.
- WWF’s Forests For Life Programme aims at conserving biological diversity .
- ‘REDD+’ framework of UN for sustainable management of forests and the conservation and enhancement of forest carbon stocks.
- The Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism (FLRM) by Food and Agriculture organization(FAO).